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archiving 2016; put up cfp for 2017

chootka 7 years ago
100 changed files with 244 additions and 14221 deletions
  1. BIN
  2. 91 32
  3. 2 2
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  22. BIN
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  24. 0 326
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  63. 0 322
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  94. 0 337
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+ 91 - 32

@@ -20,41 +20,60 @@ GEM
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@@ -65,44 +84,84 @@ GEM
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+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
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+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
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+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-cayman (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-dinky (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-hacker (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-merlot (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-midnight (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-minimal (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-modernist (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-primer (0.1.8)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-slate (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-tactile (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.0.4)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
+    jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.1.5)
+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
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+      jekyll (~> 3.3)
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@@ -112,7 +171,7 @@ GEM
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@@ -135,7 +194,7 @@ PLATFORMS
-  github-pages (= 102)
+  github-pages (= 136)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
     <a href="/">
       <img class="logo" src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}images/radnets_logo.png" width="500" height="76" />
-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
+    <h2>June 19-22, 2017<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
   	<div class="social">
       <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/twitter_logo.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
       <a href=""><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/email.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
-      <a class="press" href="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/pdf/radical_networks_2016_press_kit.pdf">2016 Press Kit</a>
+<!--       <a class="press" href="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/pdf/radical_networks_2017_press_kit.pdf">2017 Press Kit</a> -->

+ 8 - 11

@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
+<!-- <div>
 	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
-<div>In Partnership with<br/>
+</div> -->
+<!-- <div>In Partnership with<br/>
 	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/eyebeam_logo.png" width="150" height="94" /></a>
+</div> -->
 <div>Hosted by<br/>
 	<a href="" target="_blank">
 		<img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/chem.png" width="167" />
 	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
-	<!-- <a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/elsewhere.png" width="120" height="135" />
-	</a> -->
 <!-- <div>Catered by<br/>
 	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/carmines-logo-rgb-1.gif" /></a>
 </div> -->
-<div class="bigger">Live stream provided by<br/>
+<!-- <div class="bigger">Live stream provided by<br/>
 	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/isoclogo.png" width="300" /></a><br/>
 	<a href="" target="_blank">Live stream begins Friday 11/4 at 10:00 AM EST</a>
+</div> -->
 <div class="social">Contact<br/>
 	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/twitter_logo.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
-    <a href=""><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/email.png" width="37" height="37" /></a><br/>
-	Download our <a href="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/pdf/radical_networks_2016_press_kit.pdf">2016 Press Kit</a>
+<!--     <a href=""><img src="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/images/email.png" width="37" height="37" /></a><br/>
+	Download our <a href="{{ ASSET_PATH }}/pdf/radical_networks_2017_press_kit.pdf">2017 Press Kit</a> -->

+ 7 - 7

@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
     <!-- Enable responsive viewport -->
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <meta property="og:url"                content="" />
-    <meta property="og:title"              content="Radical Networks 2016" />
-    <meta property="og:description"        content="November 4-6, 2016 at Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY" />
-    <meta property="og:image"              content="" />
+    <meta property="og:title"              content="Radical Networks 2017" />
+    <meta property="og:description"        content="June 19-22, 2017 at Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY" />
+    <!-- <meta property="og:image"              content="" /> -->
     <!-- Bootstrap styles -->
     <link href="{{ ASSET_PATH }}bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
         {% include header.html %}
         <div class="row">
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             {{ content }}
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-            {% include sidebar.html %}
-          </div>
+<!--           <div class="col-md-4 sidebar">
+            {#% include sidebar.html %#}
+          </div> -->

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Announcing Radical Networks 2016!!!
-<p>Join us for three days of speakers, panels, workshops, and an art exhibit designed to introduce the community to DIY networking. Learn how to create your own offline networks, portable web servers, mesh networks or internet gateways in hands on workshops. Attend panels where you can discuss your visions for how a localized network could support your school, your community, or your cause. Listen to speakers talk about the future of computer networks and why it’s important to understand how networks work in this age of hyper-connectivity.</p>
-<p>The conference will be organized around the following questions and themes:</p>
-  <li>What would you do with your own network?</li>
-  <li>Why does it matter to understand how networks work?</li>
-  <li>Why do community networks matter?</li>
-  <li>How could free, open local networks benefit people?</li>
-  <li>What can networks be used for other than social networking and commercial use?</li>
-  <li>Community</li>
-  <li>Education</li>
-  <li>Activism</li>
-  <li>Art</li>

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Submission Deadline Extended!
-<p>If you need a little more time to get your proposal into us, have no fear! We've extended the submission deadline to Monday 9/5, so there's still a few days left. Instructions for submitting can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p>

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Announcing Participants
-<p><a href="">Participants</a> in this year's Radical Networks are now up on the site! We have an exciting and diverse group of people from all over the world coming to present their work as talks, workshops, installations, and performances. Check out the full list <a href="">here</a>!</p>

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Ticket Sales Are Open
-<p>We are pleased to announce that <a href="" target="_blank">ticket sales</a> for Radical Networks are now open! You can <a href="" target="_blank">purchase</a> a three-day weekend pass or single day tickets. Workshop registration is included, so be sure to sign up for a workshop before you complete the check-out process. Space is limited!</p>

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Workshops Are Sold Out
-<p>Just a quick note to let everyone know that our workshops are all sold out! Three-day conference passes are also almost gone, so if you haven't purchased yours yet, do it soon! We also have single day passes availalbe for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. <a href="" target="_blank">Buy tickets here</a>.</p>

+ 0 - 349

@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
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-      <img class="logo" src="/assets/themes/images/radnets_logo.png" width="500" height="76" />
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
-  	<div class="social">
-      <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/twitter_logo.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
-      <a href=""><img src="/assets/themes//images/email.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
-      <a class="press" href="/assets/themes//pdf/radical_networks_2016_press_kit.pdf">2016 Press Kit</a>
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-  </div>
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="col-md-8 content">
-<h2 class="post">Announcing Radical Networks 2016!!!</h2>
-<div class="row post-full">
-  <div class="col-sm-12">
-    <div class="date">
-      <span>03 August 2016</span>
-    </div>
-    <p>
-      <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="radnetworks">Tweet</a>
-    </p>
-    <div class="content">
-      <p>Join us for three days of speakers, panels, workshops, and an art exhibit designed to introduce the community to DIY networking. Learn how to create your own offline networks, portable web servers, mesh networks or internet gateways in hands on workshops. Attend panels where you can discuss your visions for how a localized network could support your school, your community, or your cause. Listen to speakers talk about the future of computer networks and why it’s important to understand how networks work in this age of hyper-connectivity.</p>
-<p>The conference will be organized around the following questions and themes:</p>
-  <li>What would you do with your own network?</li>
-  <li>Why does it matter to understand how networks work?</li>
-  <li>Why do community networks matter?</li>
-  <li>How could free, open local networks benefit people?</li>
-  <li>What can networks be used for other than social networking and commercial use?</li>
-  <li>Community</li>
-  <li>Education</li>
-  <li>Activism</li>
-  <li>Art</li>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="pagination">
-      <li class="prev disabled"><a>&larr; Previous</a></li>
-      <li class="next"><a href="/2016/09/01/Submission-Deadline-Extended" title="Submission Deadline Extended!">Next &raquo;</a></li>
-    </ul>
-  </div>
-          </div>
-          <div class="col-md-4 sidebar">
-	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
-<div>In Partnership with<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/eyebeam_logo.png" width="150" height="94" /></a>
-<div>Hosted by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/chem.png" width="167" />
-	</a>
-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
-	<!-- <a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/elsewhere.png" width="120" height="135" />
-	</a> -->
-<!-- <div>Catered by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/carmines-logo-rgb-1.gif" /></a>
-</div> -->
-<div class="bigger">Live stream provided by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/isoclogo.png" width="300" /></a><br/>
-	<!--a href="" target="_blank"-->Live stream begins Friday 11/4 at 10:00 AM EST<!--/a-->
-<div class="social">Contact<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/twitter_logo.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
-    <a href=""><img src="/assets/themes//images/email.png" width="37" height="37" /></a><br/>
-	Download our <a href="/assets/themes//pdf/radical_networks_2016_press_kit.pdf">2016 Press Kit</a>
-          </div>
-        </div>  
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="footer">
-      <div class="container">
-        <p>
-	&copy; 2016 Radical Networks &bull; Maintained by <a href="">chootka</a>
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-<h2 class="post">Submission Deadline Extended!</h2>
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-      <p>If you need a little more time to get your proposal into us, have no fear! We've extended the submission deadline to Monday 9/5, so there's still a few days left. Instructions for submitting can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
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-      <p><a href="">Participants</a> in this year's Radical Networks are now up on the site! We have an exciting and diverse group of people from all over the world coming to present their work as talks, workshops, installations, and performances. Check out the full list <a href="">here</a>!</p>
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-      <p>We are pleased to announce that <a href="" target="_blank">ticket sales</a> for Radical Networks are now open! You can <a href="" target="_blank">purchase</a> a three-day weekend pass or single day tickets. Workshop registration is included, so be sure to sign up for a workshop before you complete the check-out process. Space is limited!</p>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-<h2 class="post">Workshops Are Sold Out</h2>
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-      <span>21 October 2016</span>
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-      <p>Just a quick note to let everyone know that our workshops are all sold out! Three-day conference passes are also almost gone, so if you haven't purchased yours yet, do it soon! We also have single day passes availalbe for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. <a href="" target="_blank">Buy tickets here</a>.</p>
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-<div>Hosted by<br/>
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-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/chem.png" width="167" />
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-<p>From mass surveillance to the over-commercialization of the Internet, the technology that we depend upon for community and connection is being compromised. The recent accessibility of networking technology through devices such as the Raspberry Pi and software such as BATMAN Adv has made it affordable and possible for everyday citizens to learn how to design their own web servers and networks.</p>
-	<li>To understand how the technology can be used as a method of control and how to subvert that.</li>
-	<li>Teach people how to use networking technology for themselves.</li>
-	<li>Encourage creative and social exploration with computer networks.</li>
-	<li>Promoting free and open networks built with free and open hardware and software.</li>
-	<li>Decentralizing the control of where networks exist and what and whom are served by them.</li>
-	<li>Maintaining control of our own content, hardware, and means of deployment.</li>
-	<li>Community and free expression first.</li>
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-	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
-<div>In Partnership with<br/>
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-<div>Hosted by<br/>
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-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/chem.png" width="167" />
-	</a>
-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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@@ -228,22 +92,25 @@
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
+    <h2>June 19-22, 2017<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-<div>Hosted by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/chem.png" width="167" />
-	</a>
-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-<div class="bigger">Live stream provided by<br/>
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-	<!--a href="" target="_blank"-->Live stream begins Friday 11/4 at 10:00 AM EST<!--/a-->
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+    <meta property="og:title"              content="Radical Networks 2017" />
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
+    <h2>June 19-22, 2017<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-		<h2 class="post">Workshops Are Sold Out</h2>
-		<div class="date">
-	      <span>21 October 2016</span>
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-	      <p>Just a quick note to let everyone know that our workshops are all sold out! Three-day conference passes are also almost gone, so if you haven't purchased yours yet, do it soon! We also have single day passes availalbe for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. <a href="" target="_blank">Buy tickets here</a>.</p>
-	    </div>
-	    <p>
-			<a href="/2016/10/21/Workshops-Sold-Out">Read More &raquo;</a> 
-	    </p> 
-	</div>  
-	<div class="post-div">  
-		<h2 class="post">Ticket Sales Are Open</h2>
-		<div class="date">
-	      <span>10 October 2016</span>
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-	      <p>We are pleased to announce that <a href="" target="_blank">ticket sales</a> for Radical Networks are now open! You can <a href="" target="_blank">purchase</a> a three-day weekend pass or single day tickets. Workshop registration is included, so be sure to sign up for a workshop before you complete the check-out process. Space is limited!</p>
+<h3>Deadline: June 31, 2017, 11:59 p.m.</h3>
-	    </div>
-	    <p>
-			<a href="/2016/10/10/Ticket-Sales-Are-Open">Read More &raquo;</a> 
-	    </p> 
-	</div>  
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-		<h2 class="post">Announcing Participants</h2>
-		<div class="date">
-	      <span>09 October 2016</span>
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-	      <p><a href="">Participants</a> in this year's Radical Networks are now up on the site! We have an exciting and diverse group of people from all over the world coming to present their work as talks, workshops, installations, and performances. Check out the full list <a href="">here</a>!</p>
+<p>We are inviting policy makers, artists, lawyers, engineers, writers, educators, scientists, journalists, and more: We are looking for you to present your ideas in this year’s Radical Networks. Submit a proposal for a workshop, a talk, a performance or to participate in our exhibition. Some possible topics include:</p>
-	    </div>
-	    <p>
-			<a href="/2016/10/09/Announcing-Participants">Read More &raquo;</a> 
-	    </p> 
-	</div>  
-	<div class="post-div">  
-		<h2 class="post">Submission Deadline Extended!</h2>
-		<div class="date">
-	      <span>01 September 2016</span>
-	    </div>
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-	      <p>If you need a little more time to get your proposal into us, have no fear! We've extended the submission deadline to Monday 9/5, so there's still a few days left. Instructions for submitting can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
-	    </div>
-	    <p>
-			<a href="/2016/09/01/Submission-Deadline-Extended">Read More &raquo;</a> 
-	    </p> 
-	</div>  
-	<div class="post-div">  
-		<h2 class="post">Announcing Radical Networks 2016!!!</h2>
-		<div class="date">
-	      <span>03 August 2016</span>
-	    </div>
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-	      <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" data-via="radnetworks">Tweet</a>
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-	      <p>Join us for three days of speakers, panels, workshops, and an art exhibit designed to introduce the community to DIY networking. Learn how to create your own offline networks, portable web servers, mesh networks or internet gateways in hands on workshops. Attend panels where you can discuss your visions for how a localized network could support your school, your community, or your cause. Listen to speakers talk about the future of computer networks and why it’s important to understand how networks work in this age of hyper-connectivity.</p>
-<p>The conference will be organized around the following questions and themes:</p>
-  <li>What would you do with your own network?</li>
-  <li>Why does it matter to understand how networks work?</li>
-  <li>Why do community networks matter?</li>
-  <li>How could free, open local networks benefit people?</li>
-  <li>What can networks be used for other than social networking and commercial use?</li>
+	<li>Offline networks</li>
+	<li>Mesh networks</li>
+	<li>Local networks for community</li>
+	<li>Experimental application of computer networks</li>
+	<li>Networks for political activism</li>
+	<li>Network security for ordinary citizens</li>
+	<li>Artistic use of computer networks</li>
+	<li>Personal networks</li>
+	<li>Bringing connectivity to rural areas</li>
+	<li>Experimental social networks</li>
+	<li>Control and ownership of networks</li>
+	<li>Ethical hacking</li>
+	<li>...and anything else that takes a fresh or critical look at how networks are used.</li>
-  <li>Community</li>
-  <li>Education</li>
-  <li>Activism</li>
-  <li>Art</li>
+<p>Submissions are due by June 31, 2017 at 11:59pm. To submit your proposal, follow the instructions at:</p>
-	    </div>
-	    <p>
-			<a href="/2016/08/03/Announcing-Radical-Networks">Read More &raquo;</a> 
-	    </p> 
-	</div>  
+<p>The call for participation is open to all! We encourage women, people of color, LGBTQIA, and differently-abled folks to apply!</p>
+<p>If you are interested in providing a tax-deductible financial, food or drink, or materials sponsorship to Radical Networks, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Sarah at</p>
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-	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
-<div>In Partnership with<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/eyebeam_logo.png" width="150" height="94" /></a>
-<div>Hosted by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/chem.png" width="167" />
-	</a>
-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
-	<!-- <a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/elsewhere.png" width="120" height="135" />
-	</a> -->
-<!-- <div>Catered by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/carmines-logo-rgb-1.gif" /></a>
-</div> -->
-<div class="bigger">Live stream provided by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/isoclogo.png" width="300" /></a><br/>
-	<!--a href="" target="_blank"-->Live stream begins Friday 11/4 at 10:00 AM EST<!--/a-->
-<div class="social">Contact<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/twitter_logo.png" width="37" height="37" /></a>
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-	Download our <a href="/assets/themes//pdf/radical_networks_2016_press_kit.pdf">2016 Press Kit</a>
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-<!-- <p><a href="" target="_blank">Elsewhere</a> is an independent live music venue &amp; arts space set to open fall 2016. Housed in a converted warehouse in Bushwick BK, Elsewhere is designed to celebrate creativity, facilitate collaboration, and instigate play.<p>
-<a href="" target="_blank"></a> -->
-<h2>Hotels nearby</h2>
-<iframe src="!1m16!1m12!1m3!1d24196.251370471386!2d-73.93958048846116!3d40.70631643592967!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!2m1!1shotels+in+Bushwick%2C+Brooklyn%2C+NY%2C+United+States!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sde!4v1470244894394" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
-<!-- <h2>Directions to Elsewhere</h2>
-<h3>By Subway</h3>
-<p>L train to Jefferson</p>
-<h3>By Car</h3>
-<p>From Manhattan:<br/>
-	<ul>
-		<li>TBD</li>
-	</ul>
-<p>From Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Staten Island:<br/>
-	<ul>
-		<li>TBD</li>
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-<p>From Long Island:<br/>
-	<ul>
-		<li>TBD</li>
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-<p>From New Jersey:<br/>
-	<ul>
-		<li>TBD</li>
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-<p>From Westchester, Downstate New York and Connecticut:<br/>
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-		<li>TBD</li>
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-	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
-<div>In Partnership with<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/themes//images/eyebeam_logo.png" width="150" height="94" /></a>
-<div>Hosted by<br/>
-	<a href="" target="_blank">
-		<img src="/assets/themes//images/chem.png" width="167" />
-	</a>
-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-<div class="bigger">Live stream provided by<br/>
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-	<!--a href="" target="_blank"-->Live stream begins Friday 11/4 at 10:00 AM EST<!--/a-->
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-	<h3>T3db0t</h3>
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-	<p>T3db0t is an inventor / experience and product designer with a boatload of professional ZigBee experience. He is also a dad, teaches at NYU's ITP program, and is founder of <a href="" target="_blank">@CookingWthSound</a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Implementing and Securing ZigBee Mesh Networks</h3>
-<p>ZigBee is possibly the defacto mesh networking protocol: but how does it work, how can we use it, and how do we encrypt it? I discuss the implementation and security of a modern ZigBee mesh and the advantages and caveats thereof.</p>
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-	<h3>Adam Bard</h3>
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-	<p>Co-founder of <a href="" target="_blank">StreetlivesNYC</a>, the information sharing website built with the homeless population of New York City. Empathic writer, telling social innovation companies' stories to the wider world. Awarded lyricist &amp; songwriter for everything from West End and Broadway to Swedish Metal.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../marco-righetto">Marco Righetto</a></h2>
-<h3>StreetlivesNYC: A Crowdsourced Map of Information From and For The Homeless Community in NYC</h3>
-<p>This talk will be a moment of awareness and reflection on our prejudices, discomfort or acceptance, and assessment of what is really going on in a society that produces increased numbers of homeless people.</p>
-<p>We are going to outline the complete absence of the homeless community on any digital platform that allows a gathering of primary information (e.g Google Maps APIs) or an expression of one's point of view (e.g. Facebook APIs). Following, we introduce <a href="" target="_blank">StreetlivesNYC</a>: the first crowdsourced map for information sharing, built with the homeless community in NYC.</p>
-<p>With no single, dedicated, reliable source of information delivering to the homeless population, we scouted the profound need of a website that allows the sharing of knowledge and opinion on services and programs in the city. Service providers and the community have no living database of needs and resources to deliver data on which to build more responsive services.</p>
-<p>We have been building with the homeless population for approximately one year, running compensated user research, co-design and prototyping sessions. The people from the community and their direct voices have been shaping the nature of this service. Establishing trust allowed us to start a program of ambassadors from the user population introducing the project throughout the shelter system. The extension of that trust through the ecosystem can be a unifying launchpad to overcome antagonistic feelings among stakeholders.</p>
-<p>Our service provider partnerships and outreach to the civic technology community have resulted in an extensive, expert, and international advisory board. Our methods encourage others to join and stay connected.</p>
-<p>Looking forward we drive toward handing over <a href="" target="_blank">StreetlivesNYC</a> so it is fully run by its user base, replicating the service in other cities, and establishing an equal place at the table for the community in any future discussion over how society addresses homelessness.</p>
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-	<h3>Adam Rothstein</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Adam Rothstein is an archivist, writer, and artist. He writes about art, history, and technology wherever he can get a signal. He is most interested in the canons of history and prediction, the so-called "Future-Weird", the unstable ramifications of today's cultural technology and infrastructural systems, and the materials and ideas out of which we build things.</p>
-	<p>From a professional standpoint, Adam is a freelance writer, installation artist, and is currently a co-curator of Weird Shift, a research and gallery project in Portland, Oregon.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Zeir Anpin - the Rainbow</h3>
-<p>Constructed from only "common" technological transmitters––FM car stereo adapters, walkie-talkies, VCRs, TV dipoles, personal radios, remote bluetooth speaker gizmos, wireless microphones, etc––and without using any custom hardware or code, these radio repeater networks will showcase how easy it is to set up a daisy chain of broadcast-ready transmitters using equipment that could be found at a thrift store.</p>
-<p>The performance will create a looping, feedback-induced sound/drone art piece, substantiated through the equipment and the electromagnetic spectrum in two separate channels. As each repeater channel is established, the combined waves of sound and radiated energy will form two overlapping triangles––a space of meditation, reflection, and personal insight. Our technology serves as building blocks for larger works of creation. In this space, constituted by the technological detritus cast off by an ostensibly progressive electronic culture, the covenant between humanity and technology could be re-established.</p>
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-	<p>Allison Parrish is a computer programmer, poet and game designer whose teaching and practice address the unusual phenomena that blossom when language and computers meet. She has recently given talks on computer-generated poetry at the Electronic Literature Organization conference, !!Con, Alt-AI, SXSW Interactive and Eyeo. From 2014 to 2016, Allison was the Digital Creative Writer-in-Residence at Fordham University, and has recently been a research resident at DBRS Innovation Labs, a Processing Foundation fellow, and a visiting artist at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU. Allison holds a master's degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, where she is currently a member of the full-time faculty.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Performing A Literary Reading with <a href="../jeff-thompson">Jeff Thompson</a>, Daniel Temkin, and Ranjit Bhatnagar</h2>
-<h3>Reading of Texts From the Network</h3>
-<p>When talking about networks, we almost exclusively talk about the interfaces we interact with, intangible but powerful forces like the cloud and algorithms, or the physical infrastructure of the network. But many intermediate layers exist in the network written as readable texts. These include HTTP headers, OUI registrants, and network SSIDs. They reveal human connections between us and our computers, the devices of others, programmers, and corporations. While hackers and other explorers of the network may see these texts, we usually register them only as information, not writing to be read or critiqued.</p>
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-	<h3>Amanda Ervin</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Amanda Ervin has been working at the intersection of art &amp; technology for 15 years. She received an MFA in Combined Media from the University at Albany, focusing on digital and electronic media. She has taught classes at universities, artist spaces, schools, and makerspaces all over New York State. She has worked as an adjunct professor at the University at Albany, and Hudson Valley Community College. Since October 2015, Amanda has been building a Makerspace at Union College in Schenectady, NY. this includes developing curriculum, writing equipment grants, and getting students excited about Maker things.</p>
-	<p>Amanda's interests include designing things that are an extension of our human experience, through augmentation and emotion, paired with technology. Her artwork and has been shown in NYC and San Diego, including SIGGRAPH.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Developing for Cellular Networks</h3>
-<p>This workshop will cover basic cell phone development. Participants will use the breakout board, sold by Adafruit, with the SIM5320A chip. This chip uses SIM technology to get users onto cellular networks. From there, users can make phone calls, send text messages, or use wifi networks. The SIM5320A has many interface options including I2C, SPI, and GPIO for adding sensors to your cellular devices. Participants will become acquainted with AT commands and LUA protocol.</p>
-<h3>Materials &amp; Requirements</h3>
-<p>Each participant should bring a laptop, running preferably osx or linux. In addition, please bring the following materials (linked to their product page on Adafruit):</p>
-<p>You may opt to purchase a kit containing all of the below materials when you purchase your conference pass on the <a href="" target="_blank">eventbrite</a> page. Alternatively, you may buy the materials on your own via the links below.</p>
-	<li>1 - <a href="" target="_blank">Adafruit FONA 3G with Ting SIM Card</a></li>
-	<li>Alligator Clips</li>
-	<li><a href="" target="_blank">3.7v LIPO Rechargeable Battery</a></li>
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-	<h3>Andreas Unteidig</h3>
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-	<p>Andreas is a researcher at the Design Research Lab / Berlin University of the Arts, where he explores the relationship of design, technology and the political. Prior, he studied at KISD/Cologne and Parsons/NYC and worked as a graphic, interaction and service designer. He has been teaching design methods and theory in Berlin, Cologne, Athens and Jerusalem. His work has been published and exhibited in Europe, the US, Israel and China.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>MAZI – Between digital commons, urban struggles and local self-organization</h3>
-<p>Social and political processes are becoming increasingly digitized and restructured by technology. Between and beyond dystopian visions and cyber-romantic ideals, we are witnessing, producing and living the rising significance of technological mediation and transformation of our urban realities. 
-By aligning a critical and open approach to urban technology and discourses and practices around the „right to the city“, the EU-funded project “MAZI” brings together researchers, technologists, designers and activists in exploring the participatory development and appropriation of DIY networking technology.</p>
-<p>Reflecting on possible alternatives to proprietary narratives on urban-technological futures, the project develops and prototypes alternative networks that unfold their agency outside the commercial and globalist internet paradigm, and are owned by their potential users.</p>
-<p>MAZI aims at developing a “toolkit” that allows individuals and groups to easily set up, appropriate and adopt local networks according to their needs, and approaches this through four independent case studies, in which exemplary networks are being developed together with local collectives: Kraftwerk1 in Zürich, Deptford Creek in London, the nomadic group UnMonastery and the Neighborhood Academy/Prinzessinnengärten in Berlin. Through this, MAZI aims at bringing DIY networking into technologically un-savvy, political contexts which can be supported and amplified by its application.</p>
-<p>The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Programme under grant agreement no 687983 (MAZI Project). The MAZI-partners are: University of Thessaly, Nethood, Berlin University of the Arts, Common Ground, Edinburgh Napier University, Open University, INURA Zürich Institute, SPC and UnMonastery.</p>
-<p><span class="italic">Polylogue</span> is an interactive installation. It consists of two wall-mounted boxes with paper running in-between them and provides a locally constrained Wi-Fi network serving as the access point for users to send text messages with their mobile devices. The messages are printed immediately on a paper roll that runs in-between two translucent, black boxes. <span class="italic">Polylogue</span> offers a physical experience analog to apps like Snapchat and thus serves as a antithesis to the internet’s „eternal memory“, as the messages and their relationships only exist situational. Unlike digital messages, which often travel for thousands of kilometers, messages submitted to <span class="italic">Polylogue</span> travel exactly 2m until reaching their final destination. It depends on the density of conversations how long it takes for a message to get from one box to the other to then get destroyed: The more and the faster visitors feed the installation, the more short-lived a single message becomes.</p>
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-	<h3>Ansh Patel</h3>
-	<img src="ansh.png" width="256" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Ansh Patel is an interdisciplinary artist whose works range from experimental games, digital media installations, performances, visual art, network + data applications and surveillance interventions. He is also a critic whose work has appeared in different literary and academic publications like Arcade Review, The New Inquiry, Model View Culture, Unwinnable and Paste Magazine.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>AnimalNet: Playful Deconstruction of Network Packets</h3>
-<p>AnimalNet playfully deconstructs oncoming live TCP/IP packets and visualizes their deconstructed form and function onto a projected screen in the form of mini narratives of animal graphics (frogs &amp; rabbits) to serve both as an interactive and pedagogical tool.</p>
-<p><img src="animalnet.gif" width="600px" /></p>
-<p>As the GIF illustrates albeit in a text form, each frog represents a single packet and its characteristics illustrate the packet's structure and the frog's action showcase the packet's function. As the user interacts with the installation, more frogs will conjure out of air, that simultaneously attempts to reveal the underlying infrastructure of our normal web activities while invoking absurdity.</p>
-<h3>Networks in the Anthropocene</h3>
-<p>An interactive fiction that combines data and speculative theory to imagine networks and their infrastructure in the anthropocene. Using datasets on submarine cable maps/landing points, sea level rise projection models, energy usage, Networks in the Anthropocene, allows its players to experience numerous scenarios where networks and their underlying infrastructure as it exists today, will have to be radically reimagined compared.</p>
-<p><img src="networks.gif" /></p>
-<p>Taking inspiration from speculative science-fiction from the 1960s Soviets that mixes both utopian and dystopian scenarios while building its visualization on existing climate change models, Networks in the Anthropocene wishes to ask us how the vectors of communication and thus power will be altered as the world belatedly prepares to deal with the problems we face in this epoch. Like the speculative sci-fi it's inspired by, it seeks to both inspire imagination and awaken us to the realities we face.</p>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-	<h3>Brannon Dorsey</h3>
-	<img src="brannon.jpeg" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Brannon Dorsey uses computational technology and reproducible electronic media to explicitly challenge digital consumption. He employs open software tools to design experiences that excite and empower individuals and collaborative communities rather than promoting the closed corporate agendas of over-powerful companies. As a young Art and Technologist, Brannon is intentional in his active participation in defining a new digital literacy that celebrates the truly profound technological era that we now live in while remaining skeptical of the ways that this technology is being used on and against us.</p>
-	<h3>Branger_Briz</h3>
-	<p>We are a full-service digital agency+lab made up of artists, strategists, educators && programmers bent on articulating contemporary culture. We produce award winning work for brands, educators, and cultural institutions around the world, often aimed at providing context + perspective on the misunderstood aspects of our digital ecosystem.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../nick-briz/">Nick Briz</a> (Collaborating as <a href="" target="_blank">Branger_Briz</a>)</h2>
-<p><i>WebRoutes</i> provides a viewer with a window into the internet infrastructure and geopolitical network topology that is inherently invisible to them as they browse the web. By visualizing an augmented traceroute process, WebRoutes identifies the Autonomous Networks (AS), ISPs, Internet Exchange Point (IXP) crossings, and Submarine Cables that work together to ping-pong TCP/IP packets back and forth from their web browsers to servers. By elongating a process that usually takes milliseconds, our installation allows the viewer to follow, analyze, and draw conclusions about the intricate, often counter-intuitive, paths their packets take on their journey through the Internet.</p>
-<p><img src="webroutes.gif" width="600px" /></p>
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-	<h3>Brett Ian Balogh</h3>
-	<img src="bbbw.jpg" width="256px" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Brett Ian Balogh is a Chicago-based artist working at the intersection of objects, sounds and spaces. He is currently an instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Illinois Institute of Technology, teaching courses in new media, architecture, digital fabrication, radio and sound. Brett is a free103point9 transmission artist and has exhibited and performed at P.S.1 (NY), Diapason (NY), Devotion Gallery (NY); The MCA (Chicago) and The Hyde Park Arts Center (Chicago) among others.</p>
-	<p>Before receiving his masters in studio from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2007, Brett studied engineering and biology and received a BA in biology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. Much of Brett’s knowledge of electronics, programming, embedded computing and robotics stems from his do-it-yourself practice and hacking ethos. Brett’s educational and artistic mission is to bring the DIY movement not only to the classroom but also to the community at large. Brett has given numerous DIY radio transmitter building workshops at venues such as Dorkbot Chicago, The Southside Hub of Production, Propeller Grant space at Mana Contemporary and the Megapolis festival in Baltimore (2010) and San Francisco (2015). Through his teaching and community activities, Brett hopes to empower individuals with the curiosity and confidence to transform themselves and their environments through technology.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Wilderness Wireless</h3>
-<p>One might think radio is more of a feature of the developed world rather than the woods, but radio, as a phenomenon, is a natural resource not unlike the air, land and water of the great outdoors. 
-The developed world has indeed commandeered radio for use in communications networks from simple transmitter - receiver relationships via code or voice to our modern wifi network infrastructure. This workshop leads participants through the process of constructing and programming their own wireless network node suitably-powered for off the grid operation. With this system, a participant can create an off-the-grid, wireless, wifi hotspot that will serve participant-determined content via an http interface. No registrar or service providers, your network stands alone from the www. The inspiration for this workshop comes from Brett's 2015 work, Wolf, where a solar-charged, battery-powered wireless web server becomes the den of a wilderness spirit-animal.</p>
-<p>This workshop is a new counterpart to the do-it-yourself FM transmitter workshops I have been giving in my Do-It-Yourself Broadcast class at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago since 2007, as well as at events such as the Sound Megapolis Festivals and other community venues. The class has traditionally been Fm-radio centric, dovetailing with the international radio, or transmission arts community. Tetsuo Kogawa's notion of polymorphous space is a central theme and the transmitter he designed an essential piece of hardware. My argument for these ideas and techniques was that with little investment in time, energy and resources, infrastructure-free networks could be created. The internet has always had the overhead of way too much infrastructure, from satellites all the way down to copper and fiber. With the proliferation of open source router firmwares to SoC's and low power microcontrollers with wifi stacks, creating your own wifi network is almost as easy to implement as the FM transmitter. The focus of the workshop is not to create a subnet/subnode, but to be an internet beacon, a point of interest, a source of information, a den of a spirit.</p>
-<h3>Materials &amp; Requirements</h3>
-<p><i>All participants must provide their own laptops. OSX and WIN7+ supported, linux, too!</i></p>
-<p><i>The artist will provide 10 sets of soldering hand tools for use during the workshop, but feel free to bring your own tools.</i></p>
-<h3>Materials from Adafruit</h3>
-<p>You may opt to purchase a kit containing all of the below materials (except the mason jar) when you purchase your conference pass on the <a href="" target="_blank">eventbrite page</a>. Alternatively, you may buy the materials on your own via the links below.</p>
-<p><strong>In order to have a fully solar powered solution, you must buy <a href="" target="_blank">OPT1</a> AND <a href="" target="_blank">OPT2</a>. Total for OPT1 and OPT2 with shipping + tax: $100.00</strong></p>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Kit OPT1</a></p>
-<ul>Included in this kit:
-	<li>Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266 WiFi</li>
-	<li>Lithium Ion Battery - 3.7v 2000mAh</li>
-	<li>Half-size breadboard</li>
-	<li>USB cable - A/MicroB - 3ft</li>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Kit OPT2</a></p>
-<ul>Included in this kit:
-	<li>3.5 / 1.3mm To 5.5 / 2.1mm DC Jack Adapter Cable</li>
-	<li>USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger - v2</li>
-	<li>Medium 6V 2W Solar panel - 2.0 Watt</li>
-<p>You will also need to bring a mason jar as a container for the device you will be building in this workshop.</p>
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-<div>Hosted by<br/>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-	<h3>Cédric Parizot</h3>
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-	<p>Cédric Parizot is a researcher in anthropology at the Institute of Research and Studies of the Arab and Muslim Worlds. His research focus on mobility and bordering mechanisms in the Israeli-Palestinian spaces. In 2011 he launched the antiAtlas of Borders program that seeks to provide new perspectives on 21st century borders mutations. He sees the integration of artistic practices and digital technologies into its ethnographic research as a way to reappraise critically his own practices of modelization of knowledge.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Exhibiting with <a href="../joana-moll">Joana Moll</a></h2>
-<h3>The Virtual Watchers</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>The Virtual Watchers questions the dynamics of crowdsourcing the national security and border control through social media. The project focuses on the exchanges that occurred within a Facebook group that gathered American volunteers ready to monitor US-Mexico border through an online platform that displayed live screenings of CCTV cameras. The declared aim of this operation was to bring American citizens to participate in reducing border crime and block the entrance of illegal immigration to the US by means of crowdsourcing. This initiative, a public-private partnership, was originally launched in 2008 and consisted of a website and a network of 200 cameras and sensors located in strategic areas along the US Mexico border. Some of these cameras were also installed in the private properties of volunteering citizens. The online platform gave free access to the camera broadcasts 24/7 and allowed users to report anonymously if they noticed any suspicious activity on the border. The Virtual Watchers offers an interactive window that allows the public to access some of the original video feeds recorded by the RedServant’s surveillance cameras, and dive into the conversations, jokes, and questionings of the Facebook group that gathered some of the volunteering citizens that actively used the platform. By doing so, it highlights to what extent the emotional investment and exchanges of these people work as an essential mechanism in the construction and legitimization of a post-panoptic system.</p>
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-	<h3>Dan Phiffer</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Dan Phiffer is a programmer and artist based in Brooklyn working on projects that use computer networks as a raw material. In the Fall of 2011 Dan created <a href="" target="_blank"></a> as an alternative darknet web forum for the Occupy Wall Street encampment and its affiliated working groups. That project has informed related efforts in digital pedagogy, through <a href="" target="_blank">Our Net workshops</a> (and a forthcoming zine), and to working within the platform cooperativism model with the <a href="" target="_blank">Small Data Cooperative</a>. For his day job, Dan helps build open source mapping tools at <a href="" target="_blank">Mapzen</a> and is an Impact Resident at <a href="" target="_blank">Eyebeam Art + Tech</a>.</p>
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-<h2>Workshop with <a href="../ingrid-burrington/">Ingrid Burrington</a> and <a href="../surya-mattu/">Surya Mattu</a></h2>
-<h3>Digital Literacy is a Trap: Workshopping Approaches to Network Pedagogy</h3>
-<p>How did you learn about how networks work? How did you learn to use the internet? Why did you want to use the internet? How did you learn that the internet was probably using you?</p>
-<p>Chances are, very few people who read this session description will have the same answers for any of these questions. In the US at least, education about the deeper, persnickety parts of "how the internet works" isn't particularly standardized and encompasses so many different ideas and approaches that it's hard to know where exactly to start, which means that what publics learn about networks/the internet and where and how they learn it varies really widely.</p>
-<p>A lot of it––especially the more politically contentious parts––isn't really taught at all, despite the amount of hype and money currently being thrown at STEM and digital literacy initiatives, because it's deemed "impractical" to the larger project of digital literacy. As a result, many efforts toward education in these spaces reduce down to either training individuals to be effective consumers of online content or misleading individuals into thinking that knowing how to code is agency itself. If we really want to see alternative platforms, networks, tools, and voices, we need to radically rethink how this material gets taught and why, exactly, we're teaching it.</p>
-<p>This session will start with short presentations on two separate projects that both involved teaching young adults. We'll share what we did, what worked, what didn't, and questions we're still working through moving forward. Then, as a group, discuss and collaboratively map out some of the different ideological positions behind teaching people about networks, the tactics that we've found useful in the past, and some of the hard questions we're working through. This session is specifically aimed at educators and activists working on these topics with the hope of coordinating more efforts toward getting educators across this space to work more regularly with each other.</p>
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-	<h3>Derek Curry</h3>
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-	<p>Derek Curry's artistic practice engages questions of agency and knowledge production through a variety of mediums from video games and data analytics, to participatory performance and sculptural data visualizations, and his research focuses on algorithmic modes of control, particularly in the electronic stock exchanges. Curry is currently a PhD candidate at SUNY Buffalo in Media Study. He earned his MFA in New Genres from UCLA's Department of Art in 2010 and has participated in numerous international exhibitions and conferences, including the New Media Gallery in Zadar, the AC Institute in New York, the Science Gallery in Dublin, Critical Finance Studies in Amsterdam, and the International Symposium on Electronic Art in Vancouver.</p>
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-<h3>Public Dissentiment</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a>
-<p>I will discuss the process of making Public Dissentiment, an <a href="" target="_blank">online tool</a> that helps protestors negatively impact the price of a publicly traded stock by using the same sentiment analysis tools used by stock trading algorithms. In the contemporary stock markets, high frequency trading bots that continuously buy and sell stocks have replaced human market makers. These bots provide the market with liquidity by being ready to take the buy or sell end of a stock trade most of the time. This organization of the market has been standardized by SEC Regulation NMS. However, high frequency trading algorithms are also aggregating and reading news stories and social media posts at lightning speed, and when uncertainty is detected in a market, they will pull out of the market causing a stock, or group of stocks, to drop rapidly in value.  An extreme example of this is when the Twitter account for the Associated Press was hacked in April of 2013—a tweet stating that a bomb had exploded in the White House caused the S&amp;P to drop $136 billion before rebounding.</p>
-<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Public Dissentiment app</a> helps protestors generate social media posts about targeted companies that financial sentiment analysis algorithms will believe to be exceptionally bad. When the app is used by a large group or swarm, the price of the company’s stock will temporarily drop, allowing the protestors to make the shareholders aware of the public’s negative sentiment towards their company.</p>
-<p>In the talk, I will discuss my research into the networked market structure and financial sentiment analysis that led me to create Public Dissentiment. I will then give a short demonstration of the application. If the audience is inclined to participate with their own devices, it may be possible to have a flash online protest at the conclusion of the talk.</p>
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-	<h3>Dhruv Mehrotra</h3>
-	<img src="dhruv.jpg" width="256px" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Dhruv is an engineer and artist getting his Masters at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.  His work is political and deals with network accessibility, privacy, and making visible data that is otherwise not.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../edwin-reed-sanchez/">Edwin Reed-Sanchez</a></h2>
-<h3>Community Based Communication Networks in Nicaragua's Autonomous Region</h3>
-<p>For many users in the 1st world cellular and internet service is a given, but in many parts of the world this is not the case. Two billion people lack affordable communication and 700 Million people who have no coverage at all.</p>
-<p>In Nicaragua, the cellular call can cost up to $0.50 a minute, and the Internet penetration rate is at 26%. In the U.S., a country where the average income is 15 to 20 times greater than Nicaragua, a minute normally costs only 17 cents, and Internet has a 90% penetration rate. For most of Nicaragua's residents, and for many other parts of Latin America, having adequate communication or Internet services requires great financial sacrifices.</p>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a> is a social venture that helps communities on the Autonomous Region of Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast to own and operate their own cellular and emergency networks. In this talk we will discuss the history, challenges and successes of installing community based networks in rural areas. We will cover the political, and technical issues associated with such ventures.</p>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-	<h3>Edwin Reed-Sanchez</h3>
-	<img src="edwin.jpeg" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></p>
-	<p>Edwin Reed-Sanchez is the founder of <a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a>, a company that implements low cost communications infrastructure solutions in developing regions. Currently, <a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a> operates a network on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, and won the 2015 Stern Berkeley Social Venture Award. His work in communications technology grew out of research started at ITP’s Tower of Power class, and low cost GSM technology became the focus of his thesis.</p>
-	<p>Edwin and his research group at <a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a> is funded by the RiskEcon Lab at NYU’s Courant Institute, and they focus on open source development of cellular solutions. <a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a> held a hackathon at Courant, where they collaborated with members of Rhizomatica, a Mexico based non-profit running 16 indigenous community networks, and with FreeRadio Brazil. <a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a> is also active member in the Telecom Infra Project, a Facebook initiative that aims to reimagine the deployment of communications infrastructure.</p>
-	<p>Edwin is also the New Technology Manager at Robofun, a company that provides technology and robotics classes to kids at over 100 schools through out the NYC.</p>
-	<p>Prior to graduating from NYU ITP, Edwin managed Bluefield’s Sound System, a non-profit multimedia resource center in Nicaragua that received funding from the UN, USAID, and UNDP.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../dhruv-mehrotra/">Dhruv Mehrotra</a></h2>
-<h3>Community Based Communication Networks in Nicaragua's Autonomous Region</h3>
-<p>For many users in the 1st world cellular and internet service is a given, but in many parts of the world this is not the case. Two billion people lack affordable communication and 700 Million people who have no coverage at all.</p>
-<p>In Nicaragua, the cellular call can cost up to $0.50 a minute, and the Internet penetration rate is at 26%. In the U.S., a country where the average income is 15 to 20 times greater than Nicaragua, a minute normally costs only 17 cents, and Internet has a 90% penetration rate. For most of Nicaragua's residents, and for many other parts of Latin America, having adequate communication or Internet services requires great financial sacrifices.</p>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">SayCel</a> is a social venture that helps communities on the Autonomous Region of Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast to own and operate their own cellular and emergency networks. In this talk we will discuss the history, challenges and successes of installing community based networks in rural areas. We will cover the political, and technical issues associated with such ventures.</p>
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-	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
-<div>In Partnership with<br/>
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-<div>Hosted by<br/>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-	<h3>Fran Ilich</h3>
-	<img src="fran.jpeg" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Fran Ilich is a media artist and writer based in New York City. He is the author of the novels Metro-pop, Tekno Guerrilla, Circa 94 and the book-length essay “Otra Narrativa es Posible”. He was a fellow at Eyebeam and A Blade of Grass. He was Editor-at-Large for Sputnik Cultura Digital magazine in Mexico City, researcher at Centro Multimedia of the National Center of the Arts, and Screenwriter of the Interacción series at Discovery Channel Latin America. He was Visiting Lecturer at the Literature Department of the University of California San Diego and directed seminars on narrative media for the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía in Sevilla. He participated in Berlinale Talent Campus, Transmediale, ARCO, Documenta 12 and 13, and has shown at the Walker Art Center, Creative Time Living as Form, Open Engagement, Bronx Museum and the EZLN’s Festival Mundial de la Digna Rabia. The Vera List Center for Art and Politics and No Longer Empty have comissioned work.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Sabotage Tlacatlaolli Variable</h3>
-<p>Sabotage Tlacatlaolli Variable is an online/offline alternate reality game where 'players' are directly intervening a loose narrative that creates a consensual space-time of events, histories, narrative, news, plots, postal letters, websites, servers, second life gatherings, focusing on upkeeping infrastructure of a support network. The ARG has its own floating currency known as the Digital Material Sunflower, it's included in the currency converter within Apple computers. Players can go for Sabotage (action/conspiracy), Tlacatlaolli (material and digital labor), Variable (investors). There are many institutions within (a zapatista coffee CSA, an aztec casino, a news website, corporations, etc). Physical rural land and an urban co-op apt in the Bronx have been purchased by its economy. There is a pop-up coffee-shop, serving as props and stages. There are nodes in several cities, and each of the nodes distributes cultural products, solidarity agricultural resources, etc from those involved. Players are assigned missions and given rewards.</p>
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-	<a class="tickets" href="" target="_blank">Tickets Available!</a>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-	<h3>Garry Ing</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Garry Ing is a designer and technologist residing in Toronto, contributing to Toronto Mesh. His previous work and collaborations has been with the Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab) at OCAD University, the Technologies for Aging Gracefully Lab at the University of Toronto, and Normative. He is a graduate of OCAD University, with a background in graphic design.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../udit-vira/">Udit Vira</a></h2>
-<h3>Toronto's DIY Networks Ecology</h3>
-<p>In the last few years a number of projects centered around community owned networks have evolved in Toronto. These projects employ different technologies, organizational structures, and outreach methods that has informed some of the current work being done in building sustainable, community owned, network infrastructure. The Toronto Mesh project focuses on building a WiFi mesh network as an alternative to the privately-owned last mile internet infrastructure. Steam Link is a Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) for machine-to-machine communication focused on providing connectivity to makers, artists, and citizen scientists.</p>
-<p>This talk will explore the rich history of DIY networks in the City of Toronto; what worked, how they evolved, and lessons for the future. We will look at how these projects are engaging and collaborating with existing communities in the city. We will also touch on some of the technologies being used.</p>
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-	<h3>Gottfried Haider</h3>
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-	<p>Gottfried Haider. MFA in Design Media Arts at UCLA. Currently based in Amsterdam working as an educator, artist and tool-builder. Contributing to various open source initiative, including the Processing project.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Exhibiting and Presenting</h2>
-<h3>Ultra-Low Bandwidth Remote Sensing</h3>
-<p>I want to present a proposition for the continuous examination of remote locations, making use of energy harvesting, custom low-bandwidth image compression schemes, and piggybacking the data onto regular APRS tactical radio packages. Once relayed through an internet APRS gateway, the packages are ingested by custom software, and used to generate a real-time audio/visual environment (a "best-effort" reconstruction of the source site).</p>
-<p>With a long term fascination for sensing at a distance and low-bandwidth scenarios, connected to powerful personal memories of accessing mars rover imagery through 56k modem lines in the 90s, I started conceiving my own protocol and implementation while participating in a land auction for property in the high desert. The purchase ultimately fell through (for the time being), but I continued the inquiry, the results of which I'd love to share with the audience at the conference.</p>
-<p>Travel made possible by:<br/><br/><img src="federal_chancellery_of_austria_RGB.png" width="300" /></p>
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-	<h3>Heidi Neilson</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Heidi Neilson is an artist addressing topics connecting people with above-earth atmospheric spaces, such as relationships with weather and outer space. Her work, often collaborative and publishing-based, has been supported by the Art Matters Foundation, the Bronx Museum of the Arts, the Center for Book Arts, The Drawing Center, Flux Factory, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the Lower East Side Printshop, New York Foundation for the Arts, Provisions Library, the Queens Museum of Art, Visual Studies Workshop, among others. She is a member of the ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative, co-founded SP Weather Station, and her work is included in over 60 museum and university collections. Born in Oregon, Heidi received a BA in biology from Reed College and an MFA in painting from Pratt Institute, and lives and works in New York.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Outernet &amp; Beachball Antennas: Individuals Using Space Networks</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Site</a></p>
-<p>Outernet Library Branch – Wave Farm is a radio receiving station for Outernet data transmissions installed in June 2016 for long-term operation on the grounds of Wave Farm, in Acra, New York. The <a href="" target="_blank">Outernet</a>, an expanding library collection of data broadcast from a network of satellites in space, is a new and separate system outside the Internet. Outernet Library Branch–Wave Farm features a satellite dish antenna surrounded by Adirondack-chair-inspired seating, with a bench oriented toward each cardinal direction. A WiFi network access area is defined by a large mowed meadow. In addition to seating, the structure houses a box for electronics and a single physical library reference book located under the east bench. On entering the library area and perhaps taking a seat, a library branch visitor may read, view, listen to, and save library materials transmitted from space using a browser on their cell phone, tablet or computer.</p>
-<p>Miami Beachball Antennas is a series of site-specific pop-up installations on Miami beaches. Large beachballs are repurposed for use as inflatable antenna structures which are tuned to receive weather satellite image transmissions from NOAA satellites. Beachgoers can watch images of the shoreline emerge from transmissions recieved, live, as weather satellites pass by high overhead.</p>
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-    <h3>2016 Radical Networks Participants</h3>
-	<li><a href="rachel-weil">Rachel Weil</a></li>
-	<li><a href="max-fowler">Max Fowler</a></li>
-	<li><a href="lauren-mccarthy">Lauren McCarthy</a></li>
-	<li><a href="amanda-ervin">Amanda Ervin</a></li>
-	<li><a href="adam-rothstein">Adam Rothstein</a></li>
-	<li><a href="ansh-patel">Ansh Patel</a></li>
-	<li><a href="fran-ilich">Fran Ilich</a></li>
-	<li><a href="edwin-reed-sanchez">Edwin Reed-Sanchez</a> and <a href="dhruv-mehrotra">Dhruv Mehrotra</a></li>
-	<li><a href="dan-phiffer">Dan Phiffer</a>, <a href="surya-mattu">Surya Mattu</a>, and <a href="ingrid-burrington">Ingrid Burrington</a></li>
-	<li><a href="marco-righetto">Marco Righetto</a> and <a href="adam-bard">Adam Bard</a></li>
-	<li><a href="joshua-kopstein">Joshua Kopstein</a></li>
-	<li><a href="garry-ing">Garry Ing</a> and <a href="udit-vira">Udit Vira</a></li>
-	<li><a href="selena-savic">Selena Savic</a></li>
-	<li><a href="nancy-mauro-flude">Nancy Mauro-Flude</a> and <a href="linda-dement">Linda Dement</a></li>
-	<li><a href="heidi-neilson">Heidi Neilson</a></li>
-	<li><a href="rosa-menkman">Rosa Menkman</a></li>
-	<li><a href="nick-briz">Nick Briz</a> and <a href="brannon-dorsey">Brannon Dorsey</a></li>
-	<li><a href="jane-coffin">Jane Coffin</a></li>
-	<li><a href="pierre-depaz">Pierre Depaz</a></li>
-	<li><a href="katherine-moriwaki">Katherine Moriwaki</a> and <a href="saman-rezazadeh-tehrani">Saman Rezazadeh Tehrani</a></li>
-	<li><a href="derek-curry">Derek Curry</a></li>
-	<li><a href="jennifer-gradecki">Jennifer Gradecki</a></li>
-	<li><a href="sarah-friend">Sarah Friend</a> and <a href="rachel-boyce">Rachel Boyce</a></li>
-	<li><a href="gottfried-haider">Gottfried Haider</a></li>
-	<li><a href="nicolas-maigret">Nicolas Maigret</a></li>
-	<li><a href="lasse-scherffig">Lasse Scherffig</a></li>
-	<li><a href="jeff-thompson">Jeff Thompson</a> with <a href="allison-parrish">Allison Parrish</a></li>
-	<li><a href="joana-moll">Joana Moll</a> and <a href="cedric-parizot">Cédric Parizot</a></li>
-	<li><a href="andreas-unteidig">Andreas Unteidig</a></li>
-	<li><a href="brett-ian-balogh">Brett Ian Balogh</a></li>
-	<li><a href="martin-reiche">Martin Reiche</a></li>
-	<li><a href="jonah-brucker-cohen">Jonah Brucker-Cohen</a></li>
-	<li><a href="T3db0t">T3db0t</a></li>
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-	<h3>Ingrid Burrington</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Ingrid Burrington writes, makes maps, and tells jokes. She's currently an artist in residence at Data and Society Research Institute. She and Surya worked on</p>
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-<h2>Workshop with <a href="../surya-mattu/">Surya Mattu</a> and <a href="../dan-phiffer/">Dan Phiffer</a></h2>
-<h3>Digital Literacy is a Trap: Workshopping Approaches to Network Pedagogy</h3>
-<p>How did you learn about how networks work? How did you learn to use the internet? Why did you want to use the internet? How did you learn that the internet was probably using you?</p>
-<p>Chances are, very few people who read this session description will have the same answers for any of these questions. In the US at least, education about the deeper, persnickety parts of "how the internet works" isn't particularly standardized and encompasses so many different ideas and approaches that it's hard to know where exactly to start, which means that what publics learn about networks/the internet and where and how they learn it varies really widely.</p>
-<p>A lot of it––especially the more politically contentious parts––isn't really taught at all, despite the amount of hype and money currently being thrown at STEM and digital literacy initiatives, because it's deemed "impractical" to the larger project of digital literacy. As a result, many efforts toward education in these spaces reduce down to either training individuals to be effective consumers of online content or misleading individuals into thinking that knowing how to code is agency itself. If we really want to see alternative platforms, networks, tools, and voices, we need to radically rethink how this material gets taught and why, exactly, we're teaching it.</p>
-<p>This session will start with short presentations on two separate projects that both involved teaching young adults. We'll share what we did, what worked, what didn't, and questions we're still working through moving forward. Then, as a group, discuss and collaboratively map out some of the different ideological positions behind teaching people about networks, the tactics that we've found useful in the past, and some of the hard questions we're working through. This session is specifically aimed at educators and activists working on these topics with the hope of coordinating more efforts toward getting educators across this space to work more regularly with each other.</p>
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-	<h3>Jane Coffin</h3>
-	<img src="jane_coffin_256px.png" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Jane Coffin is responsible for development strategy at the Internet Society, where her work focuses on coordination of collaborative strategies for expanding Internet infrastructure, access, and related capacities in emerging economies.</p>
-	<p>Prior to joining ISOC, Jane worked on Internet and telecommunications policy issues for the Office of International Affairs at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration – U.S. Department of Commerce. She was an active participant in Internet discussions in the ITU, OAS-CITEL, and OECD, working closely with the five regional Internet registries (RIRs) and other Internet technical community stakeholders. She was very involved in policy discussions on open Internet standards and issues related to BGP, IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS. While at NTIA, Jane was an advocate for the deployment of Internet exchange points (IXPs) to increase international Internet connectivity (IIC), and was an ITU-T SG-3 IIC co-Rapporteur and an IIC coordinator in CITEL’s PCC.I. She was Vice-Chair of the Federal IPv6 Task Force, and a Vice-Chair of the ITU Council Child Online Protection Working Group.</p> 
-	<p>From 2002-2006, she served as Chief of Party, and Deputy Chief of Party on two separate USAID projects in Moldova and Armenia. Jane worked closely with regulators, policy-makers, senior officials and parliamentarians, Internet service providers, and stakeholders on regulatory strengthening, market access and competition, and liberalization and privatization activities in Moldova and Armenia.</p>
-	<p>Jane worked for AT&amp;T as a Director of International Affairs/Government Affairs, where she worked on international telecommunications issues, including VOIP, ENUM, and ICAIS, and was a Rapporteur in ITU-D Study Group 1 for universal access/universal service in rural and remote areas.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Internet Society &amp; Community Networking</h3>
-<p>Jane Coffin, Director, Development Strategy at the Internet Society will talk about that organization​'​s work fomenting grass roots infrastructure development around the world, with a particular emphasis on community networking initiatives.</p>
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-	<h3>Jeff Thompson</h3>
-	<img src="IR_CameraSelfPortrait_256x256.jpg" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Jeff Thompson is an artist, programmer, hacker, and educator based in the NYC area. He is currently Assistant Professor and Program Director of Visual Art &amp; Technology at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey and artist-in-residence at Bell Labs.</p>
-	<p>Thompson has exhibited and performed his work internationally at venues including the Museum of the Moving Image, Sheldon Museum of Art, the Taubman Museum of Art, SITE Santa Fe, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, the Jersey City Museum, and the Weisman Art Museum. Recent commissions include Abandon Normal Devices, Brighton Digital Festival, Rhizome, Turbulence, and Harvestworks.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Performing A Literary Reading with <a href="../allison-parrish">Allison Parrish</a>, Daniel Temkin, and Ranjit Bhatnagar</h2>
-<h3>Reading of Texts From the Network</h3>
-<p>When talking about networks, we almost exclusively talk about the interfaces we interact with, intangible but powerful forces like the cloud and algorithms, or the physical infrastructure of the network. But many intermediate layers exist in the network written as readable texts. These include HTTP headers, OUI registrants, and network SSIDs. They reveal human connections between us and our computers, the devices of others, programmers, and corporations. While hackers and other explorers of the network may see these texts, we usually register them only as information, not writing to be read or critiqued.</p>
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-	<h3>Jennifer Gradecki</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Jennifer Gradecki is an artist-theorist completing her PhD at SUNY Buffalo while working as an Assistant Professor of Electronic Art and Intermedia at Michigan State. Her research focuses on the informational mosaic metaphor as used by intelligence agencies and in practice-based artistic research projects that deal with the surveillance state.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Operation Mosaic: How Intelligence Agencies Map Social Networks</h3>
-<p>Twitter: <a href="" target="_blank">@crowdsourcedint</a></p>
-<p>This talk will focus on the impact of information metaphors on surveillance techniques and technologies used by intelligence agencies to map social networks, with the aim of helping activists create tactics for resistance. Information metaphors commonly used by intelligence analysts include haystacks, piles, the sea, puzzles (jigsaw and connect the dots), road maps, networks and mosaics. The mosaic metaphor, as used in intelligence gathering, compels analysts to collect many small pieces of 'raw' data in order to combine them to produce a complete picture. Embedded within the mosaic metaphor is the assumption that information is static: the pieces fit together to construct a complete and unchanging image. Likewise, current intelligence processing technologies that analyze criminal networks using data-mining techniques represent static, rather than dynamic, social networks. The software embodies and promotes the assumption that human networks remain static over time. For example, software such as IBM's i2 Analyst's Notebook, widely used in the intelligence and law enforcement community to automate the visual evaluation of social networks, is designed to produce images of networks that investigators can print and hang on the wall. A static network approach to intelligence processing can make it difficult for analysts to determine who to include in a criminal social network at any given time. Even worse, once someone is seen as a target, it may become difficult to change this impression and conclude that the target is actually innocent, despite empirical evidence. Images and data visualizations of social networks produced by intelligence processing software will be presented and analyzed. Knowing the assumptions behind these open source intelligence (OSINT) technologies and how they work can help activists create their own technologies and tactics for resistance.</p>
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-	<h3>Joana Moll</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Joana is an artist and researcher based in Barcelona. Her work critically explores the way post-capitalist narratives affect the alphabetization of machines, humans and ecosystems. Her main research topics include communication technologies and CO2 emissions, virtual civil surveillance on the Internet and language. She is a member of the <a href="" target="_blank">Antiatlas des Frontières</a> and co-founder of <a href="" target="_blank">The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms</a>.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Exhibiting with <a href="../cedric-parizot">Cédric Parizot</a></h2>
-<h3>The Virtual Watchers</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>The Virtual Watchers questions the dynamics of crowdsourcing the national security and border control through social media. The project focuses on the exchanges that occurred within a Facebook group that gathered American volunteers ready to monitor US-Mexico border through an online platform that displayed live screenings of CCTV cameras. The declared aim of this operation was to bring American citizens to participate in reducing border crime and block the entrance of illegal immigration to the US by means of crowdsourcing. This initiative, a public-private partnership, was originally launched in 2008 and consisted of a website and a network of 200 cameras and sensors located in strategic areas along the US Mexico border. Some of these cameras were also installed in the private properties of volunteering citizens. The online platform gave free access to the camera broadcasts 24/7 and allowed users to report anonymously if they noticed any suspicious activity on the border. The Virtual Watchers offers an interactive window that allows the public to access some of the original video feeds recorded by the RedServant’s surveillance cameras, and dive into the conversations, jokes, and questionings of the Facebook group that gathered some of the volunteering citizens that actively used the platform. By doing so, it highlights to what extent the emotional investment and exchanges of these people work as an essential mechanism in the construction and legitimization of a post-panoptic system.</p>
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-	<h3>Jonah Brucker-Cohen</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Jonah Brucker-Cohen. Ph.D., is an award winning researcher, artist, writer, and Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Networked Culture at Lehman College / CUNY. He received his Ph.D. in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of Trinity College Dublin. His work focuses on the theme of "Deconstructing Networks" and includes projects that critically challenge and subvert accepted perceptions of network interaction and experience. His work has been exhibited and showcased at venues such as SFMOMA, MOMA, ICA London, Palais du Tokyo,Tate Modern, Ars Electronica, Transmediale, and his project “Bumplist” is included in the permanent collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art. His writing has appeared in publications such as WIRED, Make, Gizmodo, Neural and more. His Scrapyard Challenge workshops have been held in over 14 countries in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, and Australia since 2003. His is also the Executive Vice President of Lively Event, a company focused on enriching public spaces through shared interaction from mobile devices.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Socializing Public Spaces With Shared Input From Mobile Devices</h3>
-<p>This talk will discuss recent projects I am working on that focus on allowing large-scale collaborative input from people in shared spaces using data from the mobile devices such as cellphones and tablets. Beginning with an earlier project of mine called “SimpleTEXT” that encouraged mass contributions from people sending text messages from mobiles phones to drive a public performance, I will expand on this project by introducing a new product I have launched called “<a href="" target="_blank">Lively</a>” that takes advantage of the ubiquity of mobile devices using browser-based output and WebGL visualizations of incoming text messages by large audiences. The project has been performed at a wide range of public spaces such as large conferences, public movie theaters and performance spaces, and co-working spaces.</p>
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-	<h3>Joshua Kopstein</h3>
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-	<p>Joshua Kopstein is a journalist and researcher focused on the study and circumvention of government and corporate surveillance systems. They have been published in outlets including Al Jazeera, The New Yorker, VICE, Ars Technica, and The Verge, and infrequently authors <a href="" target="_blank">Lawful Intercept</a>, a newsletter about surveillance, technology, privacy, and power.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>You've Been Enrolled: Charting The Topography of Biometric Surveillance Networks</h3>
-<p>Smartphones and other networked objects now increasingly include systems and sensors that utilize biometric data as a means of access, turning our fingerprints, retinas and facial features into physical keys to our personal devices and data.</p>
-<p>At the same time, governments and corporations have been gathering these same biometric signatures en-masse, with and without our knowledge and/or consent. With no meaningful legal or technical restraints, we must assume that state actors and private companies will use these immense databases to exert further control over citizens, including immigrants and other vulnerable populations that are already disproportionately monitored.</p>
-<p>This talk will attempt to map the topography of government and corporate networks that capture and share our biometric data for a wide variety of purposes. We will examine the various enrollment "entry points" into these networks, from DMV photo systems to customs and immigration checkpoints. Finally, we will discuss various experimental tactics for reducing the privacy-eroding potential of mass-collected biometric data, including replaceable fingerprints and anti-face recognition.</p>
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-	<h3>Katherine Moriwaki</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></p>
-	<p>Katherine Moriwaki is an Assistant Professor of Media Design in the School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons School of Design in New York City. She teaches core classes in the M.F.A. Design + Technology Program where students engage a broad range of creative methodologies to realize new possibilities in interactive media.</p>
-	<p>Her work has appeared in numerous festivals and conferences including numer.02 at Centre Georges Pompidou, Futuresonic, Break 2.2, SIGGRAPH, eculture fair, Transmediale, ISEA, Ars Electronica, WIRED Nextfest, and Maker Faire. Her publications have appeared in a wide range of venues such as, Ubicomp, CHI, ISEA, NIME, the European Transport Conference, and the Journal of AI &amp; Society. Her project, in collaboration with Jonah Brucker-Cohen was featured in “New Media Art” by Mark Tribe and Reena Jana in 2006.</p>
-	<p>Working within a broad range of areas, Katherine’s work spans disciplines and communities of practice. She has taught at a wide variety of institutions and departments, such as Trinity College Dublin, Rhode Island School of Design, and Parsons School of Design, as has lead workshops on interaction design and the creative re-use of electronic objects around the globe. These “Scrapyard Challenge” workshops have been held thirty-seven times in fourteen countries across five continents. Katherine received her Masters degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where people and enabling interaction were emphasized over any specific technology. She was a 2004 recipient of the Araneum Prize from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology and Fundacion ARCO.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Workshop with <a href="../saman-rezazadeh-tehrani/">Saman Rezazadeh Tehrani</a></h2>
-<h3> - A Multi-hop Dynamic Routing Ad-Hoc Network</h3>
-<p>This workshop will explore artistic applications of multi-hop dynamic routing ad-hoc networks. In 2004 Katherine Moriwaki and Jonah Brucker-Cohen created the artwork The project utilized a functioning multi-hop dynamic ad-hoc network infrastructure, implemented by the NTRG - the Networking and Telecommunications Research Group at Trinity College Dublin. The network consisted of multiple moving network nodes whose physical and network configuration change in relation to each other constructing adaptive pathways of data in real-time. In 2016 Katherine Moriwaki and Saman Tehrani have begun to resurrect the project, utilizing contemporary technology and open source software and hardware. While twelve years have passed since the initial instance of this artwork there are still not many artworks that take advantage of a fully functioning multi-hop dynamic routing ad-hoc network as their underlying infrastructure. Katherine and Saman will discuss the current instance of the project and what features are currently being planned for the network. They will also compare past infrastructure and technology to what is currently available in the open source community and market. Participants will engage in an activity that will collectively imagine possible applications of these kinds of networks beyond the one being built for</p>
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-	<h3>Lasse Scherffig</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>I am a media artist and researcher with a background in cognitive science and computer science. I teach Art and Technology at San Francisco Art Institute, am part of the artist group Paidia Institute and have published research and shown art in diverse contexts. I am interested in Cybernetics and the aesthetics and cultures of computation and interaction.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Where have you been?</h3>
-<p>“Where have you been?” is an experiment investigating the personal data leaked by networked mobile phones, questioning assumptions of privacy and anonymity. It consists of a projection displaying seemingly random scenes from Google StreetView. These scenes, however, depict places members of the audience have visited in the past: a frequently used airport, a favorite café, or the own front yard.</p>
-<p>This information is harvested from the mobile devices entering the exhibition space, which search for available WiFis and by that reveal the networks they were connected to before. “Where have you been?” tries to link these networks to possible geographic origins, using WiFi location data collected by a wardriving community. It is based on passive WiFi tracking – a simple surveillance technique that is employed by government agencies and advertisers alike – and it relies on data from a public counterpart to the private location information inside the databases used by Google and Apple.</p>
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-	<h3>Lauren McCarthy</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Lauren McCarthy is an artist based in Los Angeles whose work explores the social and technological systems and structures for being a person and interacting with other people. Lauren has exhibited at Ars Electronica, Conflux Festival, SIGGRAPH, LACMA, and the Japan Media Arts Festival, and worked on installations for the London Eye, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She is an Assistant Professor at UCLA Design Media Arts, and was previously a resident at CMU STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Eyebeam, and Ars Electronica / QUT TRANSMIT3. She is the lead of the p5.js project.</p>
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-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>Follower is a mobile app based performance art piece. Follower acts as service that provides a real life follower for day. In order to be followed, you answer two questions: Why do you want to be followed? Why should someone follow you?</p>
-<p>If selected, you’re given an app to install. The following lasts one day; you don't know when it will happen. At the end, you’re left with one photo of you, taken by your Follower. The Follower stays just out of sight, but within your consciousness.</p>
-<p>What is the relationship between attention and surveillance? There are sites you can go to to buy online followers, $10 can get you 1000 followers. We have this intense desire to be seen, to feel connected. How does this fit with our fear of surveillance? We imagine "the man" or Google or the government watching us, but does it feel different if we know it's a real live human?</p>
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-	<h3>Linda Dement</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Linda Dement is a Sydney based artist who has worked in arts computing since the late 1980s. Originally a photographer, her digital practice spans the programmed, performative, textual and virtual. Her work deals with issues of disturbance, commingling psycho-sexual corporeality and the digital and electronic, giving form to the difficult territory of the unbearable and conflicted with precision and control.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Exhibiting and Performing with <a href="../nancy-mauro-flude" target="_blank">Nancy Mauro-Flude</a></h2>
-<h3>AWRY SIGNALS: A Eulogy for the Stellar [Girls]</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>Awry Signals: A Eulogy for the Stellar [Girls] is code séance performance installation, a device to tap into a starlight WIFI beam in order to receive messages from the three stellar punks now making their way along it to the heavens; they shine up the cathedrals of light in the night sky.</p>
-<p>Awry Signals: A Eulogy for the Stellar [Girls] is an homage to the radical lives of three great women who are all recently deceased: Ari Up of the Slits (1962–2010), Poly Styrene of X-Ray Spex (1957–2011), and Chrissy Amphlett of the Divinyls (1959–2013).</p>
-<p><img src="awry-signals-dome.jpg" /></p>
-<p>We propose this to be a radical network with voices from beyond | Dead stars go to the stars | text based séance | warnings / advice from these banshees via starlight wifi network.</p>
-<p>The work is driven by starlight network (astero seismology, lux); the pulsations of a star’s data give rhythm to the work. We pick up Internet data via WI-FI about the position of Alpha Centauri. The programming language Python is used to manipulate this and the text, we use a rasberry pi and a small monitor.</p>
-<p>The work predominantly is speaks to Chrissy, Ari and Poly, about their travel out to the heavens, and the vibrations that they have left with us, their lyrics resonating on the earthly plane as cut ups, forming a series of satirical aphorisms. A table of phrases is gleaned from the women’s lyrics; then by matching these phrases, the output on the screen, allows conversations between the three dead girls to continue. The text that appears on-screen is a key element of the work.</p>
-<p><img src="terminal.jpg" /></p>
-<p>In some belief systems it is said that deceased warriors first disappear beyond all visible horizons and then reappear in the firmament as multitudinous star clusters. Some of the stars nearest to earth are in Alpha Centauri, a binary system composed of Alpha Centauri A and B, close to a third star, Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri is 4.3650 light-years away, while Proxima Centauri is 4.241 light-years away. We need this level of detail because we can see how in the firmament the past is visible in the light of the stars and the present is delayed by distance. Light transmission comes to us at 300,000 kilometres per second, traversing the cosmos to show us something that once was, but is no longer a living reality. Recent years have seen the deaths of these three great women who have inspired us during their lives: Ari Up of the Slits (deceased October 2010), Poly Styrene of X-Ray Spex (deceased April 2011), and Chrissy Amphlett of the Divinyls (deceased April 2013). Therefore, it is our calculation that some of the light we see in the night sky comes to us from a time when all three were still alive. A direct beam of starlight Wi-Fi is now passing back through their last days, deaths and afterlives.</p>
-<p><img src="timeline.jpg" /></p>
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-	<h3>Marco Righetto</h3>
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-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Co-founder of <a href="" target="_blank">StreetlivesNYC</a> and currently Sr. Interaction Designer ad IDEO, the global design and innovation consultancy. With over half a decade experience in designing, building and launching digital products and services that connect people and win awards, his main interest reside in create positive impact, by virtue of tackling complex system with a deep human perspective on them.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../adam-bard">Adam Bard</a></h2>
-<h3>StreetlivesNYC: A Crowdsourced Map of Information From and For The Homeless Community in NYC</h3>
-<p>This talk will be a moment of awareness and reflection on our prejudices, discomfort or acceptance, and assessment of what is really going on in a society that produces increased numbers of homeless people.</p>
-<p>We are going to outline the complete absence of the homeless community on any digital platform that allows a gathering of primary information (e.g Google Maps APIs) or an expression of one's point of view (e.g. Facebook APIs). Following, we introduce <a href="" target="_blank">StreetlivesNYC</a>: the first crowdsourced map for information sharing, built with the homeless community in NYC.</p>
-<p>With no single, dedicated, reliable source of information delivering to the homeless population, we scouted the profound need of a website that allows the sharing of knowledge and opinion on services and programs in the city. Service providers and the community have no living database of needs and resources to deliver data on which to build more responsive services.</p>
-<p>We have been building with the homeless population for approximately one year, running compensated user research, co-design and prototyping sessions. The people from the community and their direct voices have been shaping the nature of this service. Establishing trust allowed us to start a program of ambassadors from the user population introducing the project throughout the shelter system. The extension of that trust through the ecosystem can be a unifying launchpad to overcome antagonistic feelings among stakeholders.</p>
-<p>Our service provider partnerships and outreach to the civic technology community have resulted in an extensive, expert, and international advisory board. Our methods encourage others to join and stay connected.</p>
-<p>Looking forward we drive toward handing over <a href="" target="_blank">StreetlivesNYC</a> so it is fully run by its user base, replicating the service in other cities, and establishing an equal place at the table for the community in any future discussion over how society addresses homelessness.</p>
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-	<h3>Martin Reiche</h3>
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-	<p>Formally educated as a computer scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, I became a student of media art of Michael Bielicky at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. Today I am a self-employed media artist and independent researcher living and working in Berlin with interest in space, perception, digitization phenomena, digital anthropology, power relations and minimalistic aesthetics. My work addresses issues such as international power networks, religion, changes in the human condition through technology, mass surveillance and electronic and physical warfare.</p>
-	<p>I have created interactive installations, sculptures, video works and experimental computer games for festivals, museums and galleries worldwide, including the Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, ZKM Museum of Media Art, ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens Digital Art Festival, INCUBARTE Art Festival Valencia, ETDM Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design Tallinn and A MAZE. Festival Berlin.</p>
-	<p>I give talks and workshops on minimalistic human-computer interaction and on how to exfiltrate data out of surveilled networks. My latest theoretical book, "Real Virtuality" is an edited anthology on theory and applications of virtual spaces.</p>
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-<h3>Kilohertz, a Participative Project to Monitor Military Radio Frequency Usage World-Wide</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>This talk will be about the participative project KILOHERTZ, which uses DIY antennas, open source software and over-the-counter hardware to create a world-wide network of stations to search for military communications in high frequency bands. The project wants to show how governmental authority is exercised upon an invisible territory which overlays the physical world. From the project description: Consisting of an array of land art sculptures holding simple DIY copper wire-antennas, Kilohertz is an ongoing research project about the geopolitics of radio communication. Set in rural areas in Brazil and Estonia (so far), the Kilohertz ground stations are constantly surveilling radio frequency ranges reseved for military of the respective countries as well as of other big international powers, such as the NATO and the European Union. These ground stations, set-up in lowly populated areas and guarded with barbed wire fences, are, like their institutional counterparts, exclusion zones.</p>
-<p>In this talk I am going to give an overview of the project and invite people to participate by creating their own antenna structures and adding their raw data to the online archive.</p>
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-	<h3>Max Fowler</h3>
-	<img src="xF9iOjj.png" width="256px" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>I am a programmer, artist and vaporware enthusiast currently based in New York. Some of my recent projects have explored the ways that we conceptualize space, expressive analysis of text message history and how to use a twitter bot to take out the trash. I'm interested in using data visualization to explore subjectivity, generative poetry, and the ways we use technology to decide what to read. I recently participated in <a href="" target="_blank">SFPC</a>'s 10 week summer session this past summer and am currently living in New York and working as a freelance developer.</p>
-<hr />
-<p>Oasis is a virtual gallery for terminal and textual works contained within a raspberry pi only accessible by SSH. The pi uses the file tree as a spatial metaphor to create a virtual world where users can communicate (through ytalk), leave files, and explore. My intention is to explore the possibilities of an autonomous network created with the minimal possible components (contrasting with traditional websites and forms of networked interaction). Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for instructions on how to SSH into this autonomous network.</p>
-<p><img src="oasis.jpg" width="800px" /></p>
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-    <h2>November 4-6, 2016<br/>Chemistry Creative, 315 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn NY</h2>
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-	<h3>Nancy Mauro-Flude</h3>
-	<img src="nancy.jpg" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>Nancy Mauro-Flude's explores how we articulate the resonances and dissonances between performing arts and computer science, usually within the context of the contemporary art. She has devised, curated and developed numerous experimental cross-disciplinary artworks, durational events, and pedagogical programmes that examine how networked systems, embodiment and emergent technologies manifest in contemporary culture at: Waag Society: institute for art, science and technology, Museum of New and Old Art (MONA), Transmediale, What the Hack, FILE, International Symposium on Electronic Art and so on.. She is an advocate of Free and Open Source Software and is a supporter of, and contributor to, initiatives that promote and reinforce freedom in the networked domain. Under various pseudonyms she actively works to fuse radical forms of open culture with educational and social structures, with particular focus upon relatively conservative and weakly networked regions. She is the international currency officer for Dyne - free software foundry and developer for the Genderchangers Academy; movements that actively change the ‘gender’ of technology. She was recently appointed as Assistant Professor in the Communications and New Media Department, National University Singapore.</p>
-<hr />
-<h3>Divination: A Romantic Mutiny in a Maelstrom of Data</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>Divination is a new networked performance. The maiden voyage – set sail for the duration of June 2016 -the Museum of New and old art –festival Dark Mofo. Divination - traditionally a method of visualising the unseen - highlights the ease of access to so-called ‘private data’ and offers an alternative view of the information we transmit on a daily basis. Audiences were chaperoned by human and non-human agents (that is, ‘chatbots’) called Pirate Girls, through an energetic collision of nautical mythology, computer culture and transgressive fiction.</p>
-<p>The performance lecture will focus upon how the performance explores our relationship with mysterious or communal forces and how they relate to 21C mass electronic surveillance programs. The audience' [remote or local] are invited to think about the delphic relationship you may have with networks, signals, codes and other things you can not fully comprehend, but may opt in to. The modern Pyrate Queen, was not asking for gold to attend - but the audience’s data for the crew’s collective treasure chest - in order to steer the artwork. After opting in – audience experience network hauntings by Pirate girls who observe and act performatively to highlight how technical agents within networked systems have become increasingly inconspicuous.</p>
-<h2>Exhibiting and Performing with <a href="../linda-dement">Linda Dement</a></h2>
-<h3>AWRY SIGNALS: A Eulogy for the Stellar [Girls]</h3>
-<p><a href="" target="_blank">Project Website</a></p>
-<p>Awry Signals: A Eulogy for the Stellar [Girls] is code séance performance installation, a device to tap into a starlight WIFI beam in order to receive messages from the three stellar punks now making their way along it to the heavens; they shine up the cathedrals of light in the night sky.</p>
-<p>Awry Signals: A Eulogy for the Stellar [Girls] is an homage to the radical lives of three great women who are all recently deceased: Ari Up of the Slits (1962–2010), Poly Styrene of X-Ray Spex (1957–2011), and Chrissy Amphlett of the Divinyls (1959–2013).</p>
-<p><img src="awry-signals-dome.jpg" /></p>
-<p>We propose this to be a radical network with voices from beyond | Dead stars go to the stars | text based séance | warnings / advice from these banshees via starlight wifi network.</p>
-<p>The work is driven by starlight network (astero seismology, lux); the pulsations of a star’s data give rhythm to the work. We pick up Internet data via WI-FI about the position of Alpha Centauri. The programming language Python is used to manipulate this and the text, we use a rasberry pi and a small monitor.</p>
-<p>The work predominantly is speaks to Chrissy, Ari and Poly, about their travel out to the heavens, and the vibrations that they have left with us, their lyrics resonating on the earthly plane as cut ups, forming a series of satirical aphorisms. A table of phrases is gleaned from the women’s lyrics; then by matching these phrases, the output on the screen, allows conversations between the three dead girls to continue. The text that appears on-screen is a key element of the work.</p>
-<p><img src="terminal.jpg" /></p>
-<p>In some belief systems it is said that deceased warriors first disappear beyond all visible horizons and then reappear in the firmament as multitudinous star clusters. Some of the stars nearest to earth are in Alpha Centauri, a binary system composed of Alpha Centauri A and B, close to a third star, Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri is 4.3650 light-years away, while Proxima Centauri is 4.241 light-years away. We need this level of detail because we can see how in the firmament the past is visible in the light of the stars and the present is delayed by distance. Light transmission comes to us at 300,000 kilometres per second, traversing the cosmos to show us something that once was, but is no longer a living reality. Recent years have seen the deaths of these three great women who have inspired us during their lives: Ari Up of the Slits (deceased October 2010), Poly Styrene of X-Ray Spex (deceased April 2011), and Chrissy Amphlett of the Divinyls (deceased April 2013). Therefore, it is our calculation that some of the light we see in the night sky comes to us from a time when all three were still alive. A direct beam of starlight Wi-Fi is now passing back through their last days, deaths and afterlives.</p>
-<p><img src="timeline.jpg" /></p>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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-	<h3>Nick Briz</h3>
-	<img src="me_pic3.png" width="256px" />
-	<p><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></p>
-	<p>hi, my name is nick briz && i'm a new_media artist / educator / organizer living + working in chicago, IL. i'm critically obsessed w/the Internet + all my work is re:to digital culture; specifically: digital literacy + ecology, netizen rights, glitch art, net art, remix. i organize events on these topix ( GLI.TC/H, NO-MEDIA, etc ) && teach on these topix ( SAIC, Marwen, www ) && produce work on these topix ( independently && commercially w/Branger_Briz ). my work's been shown internationally ( FILE Media Arts Festival, the Images Festival, the Museum of Moving Image, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, etc. ) && i've been featured in on/off-line publications around the world ( VICE,, Fast Company, El Mundo, Neural, etc. ). my work is distributed through Video Out Distribution as well as openly and freely on the web.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2>Presenting with <a href="../brannon-dorsey/">Brannon Dorsey</a> (Collaborating as <a href="" target="_blank">Branger_Briz</a>)</h2>
-<p><i>WebRoutes</i> provides a viewer with a window into the internet infrastructure and geopolitical network topology that is inherently invisible to them as they browse the web. By visualizing an augmented traceroute process, WebRoutes identifies the Autonomous Networks (AS), ISPs, Internet Exchange Point (IXP) crossings, and Submarine Cables that work together to ping-pong TCP/IP packets back and forth from their web browsers to servers. By elongating a process that usually takes milliseconds, our installation allows the viewer to follow, analyze, and draw conclusions about the intricate, often counter-intuitive, paths their packets take on their journey through the Internet.</p>
-<p><img src="webroutes.gif" width="600px" /></p>
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-	<p style="padding-top: 8px">315 Ten Eyck St<br/>Brooklyn, NY 11206</p>
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Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff