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-layout: page
-title : Participate
-group: navigation
-order: 3
-{% include JB/setup %}
-<h3>Deadline: Sept. 05, 2016, 11:59 p.m.</h3>
-<p>We are seeking speakers, artists, and workshop leaders who would like to
-present their ideas on computer networks. Some possible topics include:</p>
- <li>Offline networks</li>
- <li>Mesh networks</li>
- <li>Local networks for community</li>
- <li>Experimental application of computer networks</li>
- <li>Networks for political activism</li>
- <li>Network security for ordinary citizens</li>
- <li>Artistic use of computer networks</li>
- <li>Personal networks</li>
- <li>Bringing connectivity to rural areas</li>
- <li>Experimental social networks</li>
- <li>Control and ownership of networks</li>
- <li>Ethical hacking</li>
- <li>...and anything else that takes a fresh or critical look at how networks are used.</li>
-<p>Submissions are <strong>due by September 05, 2016 at 11:59p, in whatever timezone you're in</strong>. To submit your talk, panel, artwork, or workshop, follow the instructions below for adding your proposal to our <a href="https://github.com/chootka/radical-networks/issues/new" target="_blank">github repository</a>. Accepted proposals will be <strong>notified by September 7th, 2016.</strong></p>
-<p>The call for participation is open to all! We encourage women, people of
-color, LGBTQIA, and differently-abled folks to apply!</p>
- <li>Create a free <a href="https://github.com/join" target="_blank">GitHub account</a> if you don't have one already.</li>
- <li>Copy the template from below. All fields are required.</li>
- <li>Then go <a href="https://github.com/chootka/radical-networks/issues/new" target="_blank">HERE</a></li>
- <li>Paste the template and modify at will.</li>
- <li>Submit your proposal! (You are free to edit your proposal if you forgot something up until the deadline on 9/05/16)</li>
-<p>Copy this template: All fields are required for both Github and email submissions.</p>
-<h4>## Title of Talk / Panel / Workshop / Artwork</h4>
- <li>Name : Jane Doe</li>
- <li>Location : Brooklyn, NY</li>
- <li>Email : janedoe@youremail.com</li>
- <li>Twitter : [@janedoe](url to twitter account)</li>
- <li>GitHub : [janedoe](url to GitHub account)</li>
- <li>Url(s) : [jane.doe.com](url to relevant sites)</li>
-<h4>## Type of proposal</h4>
-<p>[Type goes here. Is it a talk, panel, workshop, or artwork?]</p>
-<h4>## Description of your talk / panel / workshop / artwork</h4>
-<p>[Description goes here. Try to keep it under 300 words, but more than 140 characters. Note that panels should follow a moderator / discussion format, with possible participation from the audience.]</p>
-<h4>## Length of talk / panel / workshop</h4>
-<p>[How much time do you need to present your talk or workshop? Guidelines are as follows: Talks: 15 - 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. Panels: 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. Workshops: 1h - 6hrs.]</p>
-<h4>## Workshop technical requirements and materials list</h4>
-<p>[For workshops, include technical requirements, the maximum number of attendees and a full list of materials needed for attendees.]</p>
-<h4>## Artwork installation requirements</h4>
-<p>[For artworks, include installation requirements. Please note that most we can provide is table space, power, and network connectivity. Artworks must be installed on November 3rd, 2016. We are not responsible for damages done to your work! (Although we will take every precaution we can to safely handle your work.)]</p>
-<h4>## Speaker Bio</h4>
-<p>[URL to bio picture goes here. Format for bio picture should be PNG/JPG/GIF, 256x256.]</p>
-<p>[Bio goes here. I'm an example bio. My background includes this and that. I've also
-contributed to these projects. These are some of my interests.]</p>
-<h4>Template ends before this line All fields are required!</h4>
- <li>When you're ready, submit! Don't worry, you can go back and edit it if you need to.</li>
- <li>Wait for us to get back to you, which we will do by September 7, 2016. We will respond to everyone who submits a proposal.</li>
-<p>Every proposal should have the following information:</p>
- <li>Your name</li>
- <li>Your location</li>
- <li>Your contact info</li>
- <li>Type of proposal: Talk / Panel / Workshop / Artwork</li>
- <li>Talk / Panel / Workshop / Artwork title</li>
- <li>Talk / Panel / Workshop / Artwork description</li>
- <li>Duration of talk / panel / workshop (not needed for artworks)</li>
- <li>For workshops, max number of attendees and a list of materials required</li>
- <li>For artworks, include installation requirements.</li>
- <li>Your preferred image for the website (256x256)</li>
-<p><i>If you cannot provide info for a given required field, please indicate
-so using 'N/A' to acknowledge.</i></p>
-<p>If would be great if you could add in a short personal bio (50 words or
-less) and other details like links to your blog, twitter account, open
-source projects, company, etc.</p>
-<p>If you would like to include anything else relevant to your work, like
-slide decks, code samples, videos, etc, feel free to link us to them!</p>
-<p>We will pay participants a stipend for their time and provide food,
-drinks and entry to the conference.</p>