<p><a href="http://peripheriques.free.fr" target="_blank">NICOLAS MAIGRET</a> exposes the internal workings of media, through an exploration of their dysfunctions, limitations or failure thresholds which he develops sensory and immersive audio visual experiences. As a curator he initiated the <a href="http://disnovation.net/" target="_blank">Disnovation</a> Research Group which conducts a series of deviant strategies and symbolic activities facing the ongoing propaganda of technological innovation. He teaches at <a href="http://www.newschool.edu/parsons-paris/" target="_blank">Parsons Paris</a> and co-founded the <a href="http://artoffailure.free.fr/" target="_blank">Art of Failure</a> collective in 2006. With Maria Roszkowska he co-edited <a href="http://thepiratebook.net/" target="_blank">The Pirate Book</a>, an anthology on media piracy.</p>