@@ -1,2561 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
- var AltKeyRing, AltKeyRingBase, BaseKeyRing, E, GPG, Globals, GpgKey, Log, MasterKeyRing, Parser, QuarantinedKeyRing, RingFileBundle, TmpKeyRing, TmpKeyRingBase, TmpOneShotKeyRing, TmpPrimaryKeyRing, a_json_parse, athrow, base64u, chain, colgrep, fingerprint_to_key_id_64, fpeq, fs, globals, iced, list_fingerprints, log, make_esc, master_ring, mkdir_p, os, path, pgp_utils, prng, reset_master_ring, states, strip, userid, util, __iced_k, __iced_k_noop, _globals, _ref, _ref1, _ref2,
- __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
- __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
- iced = require('iced-runtime').iced;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop = function() {};
- GPG = require('./gpg').GPG;
- _ref = require('iced-error'), chain = _ref.chain, make_esc = _ref.make_esc;
- mkdir_p = require('iced-utils').fs.mkdir_p;
- prng = require('crypto').prng;
- pgp_utils = require('pgp-utils');
- _ref1 = pgp_utils.util, fingerprint_to_key_id_64 = _ref1.fingerprint_to_key_id_64, fpeq = _ref1.fpeq, athrow = _ref1.athrow, base64u = _ref1.base64u;
- userid = pgp_utils.userid;
- E = require('./err').E;
- path = require('path');
- fs = require('fs');
- colgrep = require('./colgrep').colgrep;
- util = require('util');
- os = require('os');
- a_json_parse = require('iced-utils').util.a_json_parse;
- _ref2 = require('./index'), list_fingerprints = _ref2.list_fingerprints, Parser = _ref2.Parser;
- strip = function(m) {
- return m.split(/\s+/).join('');
- };
- states = {
- NONE: 0,
- LOADED: 1,
- SAVED: 2
- };
- exports.Log = Log = (function() {
- function Log() {}
- Log.prototype.debug = function(x) {
- return console.error(x);
- };
- Log.prototype.warn = function(x) {
- return console.error(x);
- };
- Log.prototype.error = function(x) {
- return console.error(x);
- };
- Log.prototype.info = function(x) {
- return console.error(x);
- };
- return Log;
- })();
- exports.Globals = Globals = (function() {
- function Globals(_arg) {
- this.get_preserve_tmp_keyring = _arg.get_preserve_tmp_keyring, this.get_debug = _arg.get_debug, this.get_tmp_keyring_dir = _arg.get_tmp_keyring_dir, this.get_key_klass = _arg.get_key_klass, this.get_home_dir = _arg.get_home_dir, this.get_gpg_cmd = _arg.get_gpg_cmd, this.get_no_options = _arg.get_no_options, this.log = _arg.log;
- this.get_preserve_tmp_keyring || (this.get_preserve_tmp_keyring = function() {
- return false;
- });
- this.log || (this.log = new Log);
- this.get_debug || (this.get_debug = function() {
- return false;
- });
- this.get_tmp_keyring_dir || (this.get_tmp_keyring_dir = function() {
- return os.tmpdir();
- });
- this.get_key_klass || (this.get_key_klass = function() {
- return GpgKey;
- });
- this.get_home_dir || (this.get_home_dir = function() {
- return null;
- });
- this.get_gpg_cmd || (this.get_gpg_cmd = function() {
- return null;
- });
- this.get_no_options || (this.get_no_options = function() {
- return false;
- });
- this._mring = null;
- }
- Globals.prototype.master_ring = function() {
- return this._mring;
- };
- Globals.prototype.set_master_ring = function(r) {
- return this._mring = r;
- };
- return Globals;
- })();
- _globals = new Globals({});
- globals = function() {
- return _globals;
- };
- exports.init = function(d) {
- _globals = new Globals(d);
- return _globals.set_master_ring(new MasterKeyRing());
- };
- log = function() {
- return globals().log;
- };
- exports.GpgKey = GpgKey = (function() {
- function GpgKey(fields) {
- var k, v;
- this._state = states.NONE;
- for (k in fields) {
- v = fields[k];
- this["_" + k] = v;
- }
- }
- GpgKey.prototype.fingerprint = function() {
- return this._fingerprint;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.key_id_64 = function() {
- return this._key_id_64 || (this.fingerprint() ? this.fingerprint().slice(-16) : null);
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.load_id = function() {
- return this.key_id_64() || this.fingerprint() || this.username();
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.username = function() {
- return this._username;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.uid = function() {
- return this._uid;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.all_uids = function() {
- return this._all_uids;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.key_data = function() {
- return this._key_data;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.keyring = function() {
- return this._keyring;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.get_pgp_key_id = function() {
- return this.key_id_64();
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.get_pgp_fingerprint = function() {
- return this.fingerprint().toLowerCase();
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.is_signed = function() {
- return !!this._is_signed;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.check_is_signed = function(signer, cb) {
- var args, err, id, out, row, rows, to_find, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- log().debug("+ Check if " + (signer.to_string()) + " signed " + (this.to_string()));
- id = this.load_id();
- args = ["--list-sigs", "--with-colons", id];
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.check_is_signed"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 124
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- var _i, _len;
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- rows = colgrep({
- buffer: out,
- patterns: {
- 0: /^sig$/
- },
- separator: /:/
- });
- to_find = signer.key_id_64().toUpperCase();
- for (_i = 0, _len = rows.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- row = rows[_i];
- if (row[4] === to_find) {
- log().debug("| Found in row: " + (JSON.stringify(row)));
- _this._is_signed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- log().debug("- Check -> " + _this._is_signed);
- return cb(err, _this._is_signed);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.find = function(cb) {
- var args, err, fp, out, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if ((fp = _this.fingerprint()) != null) {
- args = ["-" + (_this._secret ? 'K' : 'k'), "--with-colons", fp];
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.find"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- quiet: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 142
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null ? err = new E.NotFoundError("Key for " + (_this.to_string()) + " not found") : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k(err = new E.NoFingerprintError("No fingerprint given for " + _this._username));
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.check_sig = function(signing_key, cb) {
- var args, err, out, rows, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- args = ['--list-sigs', '--with-colon', this.fingerprint()];
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.check_sig"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 154
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- rows = colgrep({
- buffer: out,
- patterns: {
- 0: /^sub$/,
- 4: new RegExp("^" + (signing_key.key_id_64()) + "$", "i")
- }
- });
- if (rows.length === 0) {
- err = new E.VerifyError("No signature of " + (_this.to_string()) + " by " + (signing_key.to_string()));
- }
- }
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.set_keyring = function(r) {
- return this._keyring = r;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.to_string = function() {
- return [this.username(), this.key_id_64()].join("/");
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.gpg = function(gargs, cb) {
- return this.keyring().gpg(gargs, cb);
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.save = function(cb) {
- var args, err, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- args = ["--import"];
- if (this._secret) {
- args.push("--import-options", "import-local-sigs");
- }
- log().debug("| Save key " + (this.to_string()) + " to " + (this.keyring().to_string()));
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.save"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- stdin: _this._key_data,
- quiet: true,
- secret: _this._secret
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 184
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- _this._state = states.SAVED;
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.load = function(cb) {
- var args, err, esc, fp, id, l, out, uids, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- id = this.load_id();
- esc = make_esc(cb, "GpgKey::load");
- args = [(this._secret ? "--export-secret-key" : "--export"), "--export-options", "export-local-sigs", "-a", id];
- log().debug("| Load key " + (this.to_string()) + " from " + (this.keyring().to_string()) + " (secret=" + this._secret + ")");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.load"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function(__slot_1) {
- return function() {
- return __slot_1._key_data = arguments[0];
- };
- })(_this),
- lineno: 201
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (_this.fingerprint() == null) {
- log().debug("+ lookup fingerprint");
- args = ["-k", "--fingerprint", "--with-colons", id];
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.load"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return out = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 206
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- fp = list_fingerprints(out.toString('utf8'));
- return __iced_k((l = fp.length) === 0 ? err = new E.GpgError("Couldn't find GPG fingerprint for " + id) : l > 1 ? err = new E.GpgError("Found more than one (#l) keys for " + id) : (_this._state = states.LOADED, _this._fingerprint = fp[0], log().debug("- Map " + id + " -> " + _this._fingerprint + " via gpg")));
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (_this.uid() == null) {
- log().debug("+ lookup UID");
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.load"
- });
- _this.read_uids_from_key(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return uids = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 219
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- l = uids.length;
- if (l === 0) {
- log().debug("| weird; no UIDs found");
- } else {
- if (l > 1) {
- log().debug("| got back more than one UID; using the first: (" + (JSON.stringify(uids)) + ")");
- }
- _this._uid = uids[0];
- log().debug(" - Map " + id + " -> " + _this._uid + " via gpg");
- }
- _this._all_uids = uids;
- return __iced_k(log().debug("- looked up UID"));
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- return cb(err);
- });
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.remove = function(cb) {
- var args, err, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- args = [(this._secret ? "--delete-secret-and-public-key" : "--delete-keys"), "--batch", "--yes", this.fingerprint()];
- log().debug("| Delete key " + (this.to_string()) + " from " + (this.keyring().to_string()));
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.remove"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 242
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.read_uids_from_key = function(cb) {
- var args, err, fp, tmp, uids, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- fp = this.fingerprint();
- log().debug("+ read_uids_from_keys " + fp);
- uids = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if ((uids = _this._my_userids) != null) {
- return __iced_k(log().debug("| hit cache"));
- } else {
- args = {
- fingerprint: fp
- };
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.read_uids_from_key"
- });
- _this.keyring().read_uids_from_key(args, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return tmp = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 256
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(uids = _this._my_userids = tmp);
- });
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- log().debug("| got: " + (uids != null ? JSON.stringify(uids) : null));
- log().debug("- read_uids_from_key -> " + err);
- return cb(err, uids);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.sign_key = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, err, hsk, signer, skip, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- signer = _arg.signer;
- log().debug("| GPG-signing " + (this.username()) + "'s key with your key");
- args = ["--sign-key", "--batch", "--yes"];
- skip = false;
- err = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (signer != null) {
- return __iced_k(args.push("-u", signer.fingerprint()));
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.sign_key"
- });
- _this.keyring().has_signing_key(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return hsk = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 272
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(err != null ? skip = true : !hsk ? (log().info("Not trying to sign key " + (_this.to_string()) + " since there's no signing key available"), skip = true) : void 0);
- });
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (!skip) {
- args.push(_this.fingerprint());
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.sign_key"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- quiet: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 279
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- return cb(err);
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.commit = function(_arg, cb) {
- var esc, ring, sign_key, signer, try_sign, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- signer = _arg.signer, sign_key = _arg.sign_key, ring = _arg.ring;
- esc = make_esc(cb, "GpgKey::commit");
- try_sign = sign_key || (signer != null);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (_this.keyring().is_temporary()) {
- log().debug("+ " + (_this.to_string()) + ": Commit temporary key");
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (try_sign) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.commit"
- });
- _this.sign_key({
- signer: signer
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 290
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.commit"
- });
- _this.load(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 291
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.commit"
- });
- _this.remove(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 292
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- ring || (ring = master_ring());
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.commit"
- });
- (_this.copy_to_keyring(ring)).save(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 294
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(log().debug("- " + (_this.to_string()) + ": Commit temporary key"));
- });
- });
- });
- });
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (!_this._is_signed) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (try_sign) {
- log().debug("| " + (_this.to_string()) + ": signing key, since it wasn't signed");
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.commit"
- });
- _this.sign_key({
- signer: signer
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 299
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k(log().debug("| " + (_this.to_string()) + ": key wasn't signed, but signing was skipping"));
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k(log().debug("| " + (_this.to_string()) + ": key was previously commited; noop"));
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(null);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.rollback = function(cb) {
- var err, s, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- s = this.to_string();
- err = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (globals().get_preserve_tmp_keyring() && _this.keyring().is_temporary()) {
- return __iced_k(log().debug("| " + s + ": preserving temporary keyring by command-line flag"));
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (_this.keyring().is_temporary()) {
- log().debug("| " + s + ": Rolling back temporary key");
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.rollback"
- });
- _this.remove(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 315
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k(log().debug("| " + s + ": no need to rollback key, it's permanent"));
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.to_data_dict = function() {
- var d, k, v;
- d = {};
- for (k in this) {
- v = this[k];
- if (k[0] === '_') {
- d[k.slice(1)] = v;
- }
- }
- return d;
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.copy_to_keyring = function(keyring) {
- return keyring.make_key(this.to_data_dict());
- };
- GpgKey.prototype._find_key_in_stderr = function(which, buf) {
- var d, err, fingerprint, ki64, m;
- err = ki64 = fingerprint = null;
- d = buf.toString('utf8');
- if ((m = d.match(/Primary key fingerprint: (.*)/)) != null) {
- fingerprint = m[1];
- } else if ((m = d.match(/using [RD]SA key ([A-F0-9]{16})/)) != null) {
- ki64 = m[1];
- } else {
- err = new E.VerifyError("" + which + ": can't parse PGP output in verify signature");
- }
- return {
- err: err,
- ki64: ki64,
- fingerprint: fingerprint
- };
- };
- GpgKey.prototype._verify_key_id_64 = function(_arg, cb) {
- var a, b, err, ki64, m, out, sig, which, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- ki64 = _arg.ki64, which = _arg.which, sig = _arg.sig;
- log().debug("+ GpgKey::_verify_key_id_64: " + which + ": " + ki64 + " vs " + (this.fingerprint()));
- err = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (ki64 !== _this.key_id_64()) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey._verify_key_id_64"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: ["--fingerprint", "--keyid-format", "long", ki64]
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 348
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(err != null ? void 0 : (m = out.toString('utf8').match(/Key fingerprint = ([A-F0-9 ]+)/)) == null ? err = new E.VerifyError("Querying for a fingerprint failed") : !(a = strip(m[1])) === (b = _this.fingerprint()) ? err = new E.VerifyError("Fingerprint mismatch: " + a + " != " + b) : log().debug("| Successful map of " + ki64 + " -> " + (_this.fingerprint())));
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (err == null) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey._verify_key_id_64"
- });
- _this.keyring().assert_no_collision(ki64, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 358
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- log().debug("- GpgKey::_verify_key_id_64: " + which + ": " + ki64 + " vs " + (_this.fingerprint()) + " -> " + err);
- return cb(err);
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- GpgKey.prototype.verify_sig = function(_arg, cb) {
- var a, args, b, err, fp, msg, out, payload, sig, which, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- which = _arg.which, sig = _arg.sig, payload = _arg.payload;
- log().debug("+ GpgKey::verify_sig " + which);
- err = null;
- args = {
- query: this.fingerprint(),
- single: true,
- sig: sig,
- no_json: true,
- keyblock: this._key_data,
- secret: this._secret
- };
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "GpgKey.verify_sig"
- });
- _this.keyring().oneshot_verify(args, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- out = arguments[1];
- return fp = arguments[2];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 375
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- if ((err == null) && !(_this._fingerprint != null) && (typeof fp !== "undefined" && fp !== null)) {
- _this._fingerprint = fp;
- log().debug("| Setting fingerprint to " + fp + " as a result of oneshot_verify");
- }
- msg = err != null ? "signature verification failed" : (_this._fingerprint != null) && (_this._fingerprint.toLowerCase() !== fp.toLowerCase()) ? "Wrong key fingerprint; was the server lying? " + _this._fingerprint + " != " + fp : (a = out.toString('utf8')) !== (b = payload) ? "wrong payload: " + a + " != " + b + " (" + a.length + " v " + b.length + ")" : null;
- if (msg != null) {
- err = new E.VerifyError("" + which + ": " + msg);
- }
- log().debug("- GpgKey::verify_sig " + which + " -> " + err);
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- return GpgKey;
- })();
- exports.BaseKeyRing = BaseKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(BaseKeyRing, _super);
- function BaseKeyRing() {
- BaseKeyRing.__super__.constructor.call(this, {
- cmd: globals().get_gpg_cmd()
- });
- this._has_signing_key = null;
- }
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.has_signing_key = function(cb) {
- var err, ids, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- err = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (_this._has_signing_key == null) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.has_signing_key"
- });
- _this.find_secret_keys({}, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return ids = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 407
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(err != null ? log().warn("Issue listing secret keys: " + err.message) : _this._has_signing_key = ids.length > 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err, _this._has_signing_key);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.make_key = function(opts) {
- var klass, ret;
- klass = globals().get_key_klass();
- ret = new klass(opts);
- ret.set_keyring(this);
- return ret;
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.is_temporary = function() {
- return false;
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.tmp_dir = function() {
- return os.tmpdir();
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.make_oneshot_ring_2 = function(_arg, cb) {
- var err, esc, fps, keyblock, n, secret, single, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- keyblock = _arg.keyblock, single = _arg.single, secret = _arg.secret;
- esc = make_esc(cb, "BaseKeyRing::_make_oneshot_ring_2");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.make_oneshot_ring_2"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: ["--import"],
- stdin: keyblock,
- quiet: true,
- secret: secret
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 431
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.make_oneshot_ring_2"
- });
- _this.list_fingerprints(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return fps = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 432
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- n = fps.length;
- err = n === 0 ? new E.NotFoundError("key import failed") : single && n > 1 ? new E.PgpIdCollisionError("too many keys found: " + n) : (_this._fingerprint = fps[0], _this._key_id_64 = _this._fingerprint.slice(-16), null);
- return cb(err, _this._fingerprint);
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.make_oneshot_ring = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, e2, err, esc, fp, keyblock, query, ring, secret, single, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- query = _arg.query, single = _arg.single, keyblock = _arg.keyblock, secret = _arg.secret;
- esc = make_esc(cb, "BaseKeyRing::make_oneshot_ring");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (keyblock == null) {
- args = ["-a", "--export", query];
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.make_oneshot_ring"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return keyblock = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 449
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.make_oneshot_ring"
- });
- TmpOneShotKeyRing.make(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return ring = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 450
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.make_oneshot_ring"
- });
- ring.make_oneshot_ring_2({
- keyblock: keyblock,
- single: single,
- secret: secret
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return fp = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 451
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.make_oneshot_ring"
- });
- ring.nuke(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return e2 = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 453
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(typeof e2 !== "undefined" && e2 !== null ? log().warn("Error cleaning up keyring after failure: " + e2.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- return cb(err, ring, fp);
- });
- });
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.find_keys_full = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, err, index, k, out, query, res, secret, sigs, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- query = _arg.query, secret = _arg.secret, sigs = _arg.sigs;
- args = ["--with-colons", "--fingerprint"];
- args.push(secret ? "-K" : "-k");
- if (query) {
- args.push(query);
- }
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.find_keys_full"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- list_keys: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 463
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- res = null;
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- index = (new Parser(out.toString('utf8'))).parse();
- res = (function() {
- var _i, _len, _ref3, _results;
- _ref3 = index.keys();
- _results = [];
- for (_i = 0, _len = _ref3.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- k = _ref3[_i];
- _results.push(this.make_key(k.to_dict({
- secret: secret
- })));
- }
- return _results;
- }).call(_this);
- }
- return cb(err, res);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.find_keys = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, err, id64s, out, query, row, rows, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- query = _arg.query;
- args = ["-k", "--with-colons"];
- if (query) {
- args.push(query);
- }
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.find_keys"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- list_keys: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 475
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- id64s = null;
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- rows = colgrep({
- buffer: out,
- patterns: {
- 0: /^pub$/
- },
- separator: /:/
- });
- id64s = (function() {
- var _i, _len, _results;
- _results = [];
- for (_i = 0, _len = rows.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- row = rows[_i];
- _results.push(row[4]);
- }
- return _results;
- })();
- }
- return cb(err, id64s);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.find_secret_keys = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, err, id64s, out, query, row, rows, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- query = _arg.query;
- args = ["-K", "--with-colons"];
- if (query) {
- args.push(query);
- }
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.find_secret_keys"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 489
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- id64s = null;
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- rows = colgrep({
- buffer: out,
- patterns: {
- 0: /^sec$/
- },
- separator: /:/
- });
- id64s = (function() {
- var _i, _len, _results;
- _results = [];
- for (_i = 0, _len = rows.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- row = rows[_i];
- _results.push(row[4]);
- }
- return _results;
- })();
- }
- return cb(err, id64s);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.list_fingerprints = function(cb) {
- var err, out, ret, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.list_fingerprints"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: ["--with-colons", "--fingerprint"]
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 500
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- ret = [];
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- ret = list_fingerprints(out.toString('utf8'));
- }
- return cb(err, ret);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.list_keys = function(cb) {
- var err, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.list_keys"
- });
- _this.find_keys({}, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function(__slot_1) {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return __slot_1._all_id_64s = arguments[1];
- };
- })(_this),
- lineno: 509
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err, _this._all_id_64s);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.safe_inspect = function(gargs) {
- var d, k, v;
- d = {};
- for (k in gargs) {
- v = gargs[k];
- if ((k === 'stdin') && gargs.secret) {
- v = "<redacted>";
- }
- d[k] = v;
- }
- return util.inspect(d);
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.gpg = function(gargs, cb) {
- var err, res, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- log().debug("| Call to " + this.CMD + ": " + (this.safe_inspect(gargs)));
- if (gargs.quiet && globals().get_debug()) {
- gargs.quiet = false;
- }
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.gpg"
- });
- _this.run(gargs, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return res = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 527
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err, res);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.index2 = function(opts, cb) {
- var args, err, i, k, out, p, q, w, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- k = (opts != null ? opts.secret : void 0) ? '-K' : '-k';
- args = [k, "--with-fingerprint", "--with-colons"];
- if ((q = opts.query) != null) {
- args.push(q);
- }
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.index2"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- quiet: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 536
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- i = w = null;
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- p = new Parser(out.toString('utf8'));
- i = p.parse();
- w = p.warnings();
- }
- return cb(err, i, w);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.read_uids_from_key = function(_arg, cb) {
- var err, fingerprint, index, opts, query, ret, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- fingerprint = _arg.fingerprint, query = _arg.query;
- query = fingerprint || query;
- opts = {
- query: query
- };
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.read_uids_from_key"
- });
- _this.index2(opts, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return index = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 549
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- var _ref3, _ref4;
- ret = typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null ? null : typeof index !== "undefined" && index !== null ? (_ref3 = index.keys()) != null ? (_ref4 = _ref3[0]) != null ? _ref4.userids() : void 0 : void 0 : void 0;
- return cb(err, ret);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.index = function(cb) {
- return this.index2({}, cb);
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.oneshot_verify_2 = function(_arg, cb) {
- var err, file, no_json, raw, ret, ring, sig, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- ring = _arg.ring, sig = _arg.sig, file = _arg.file, no_json = _arg.no_json;
- err = ret = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (file != null) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.oneshot_verify_2"
- });
- ring.verify_sig_on_file({
- sig: sig,
- file: file
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 562
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.oneshot_verify_2"
- });
- ring.verify_and_decrypt_sig({
- sig: sig
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return raw = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 564
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (err != null) {
- return __iced_k();
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (no_json) {
- return __iced_k(ret = raw);
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.oneshot_verify_2"
- });
- a_json_parse(raw, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return ret = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 568
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- });
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err, ret);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- BaseKeyRing.prototype.oneshot_verify = function(_arg, cb) {
- var clean, esc, file, fp, keyblock, no_json, query, ret, ring, secret, sig, single, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- query = _arg.query, single = _arg.single, sig = _arg.sig, file = _arg.file, no_json = _arg.no_json, keyblock = _arg.keyblock, secret = _arg.secret;
- log().debug("+ oneshot verify");
- ring = null;
- clean = function(cb) {
- var err, ___iced_passed_deferral1, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral1 = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- log().debug("| oneshot clean");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (ring != null) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral1,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced"
- });
- ring.nuke(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 579
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null ? log().warn("Error cleaning up 1-shot ring: " + err.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb();
- };
- })(this));
- };
- cb = chain(cb, clean);
- esc = make_esc(cb, "BaseKeyRing::oneshot_verify");
- ret = null;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.oneshot_verify"
- });
- _this.make_oneshot_ring({
- query: query,
- single: single,
- keyblock: keyblock,
- secret: secret
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- ring = arguments[0];
- return fp = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 585
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "BaseKeyRing.oneshot_verify"
- });
- _this.oneshot_verify_2({
- ring: ring,
- sig: sig,
- file: file,
- no_json: no_json
- }, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return ret = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 586
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- log().debug("- oneshot verify -> ok! (fp=" + fp + ")");
- return cb(null, ret, fp);
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- return BaseKeyRing;
- })(GPG);
- exports.MasterKeyRing = MasterKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(MasterKeyRing, _super);
- function MasterKeyRing() {
- return MasterKeyRing.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- MasterKeyRing.prototype.to_string = function() {
- return "master keyring";
- };
- MasterKeyRing.prototype.mutate_args = function(gargs) {
- var h;
- if ((h = globals().get_home_dir()) != null) {
- gargs.args = ["--homedir", h].concat(gargs.args);
- return log().debug("| Mutate GPG args; new args: " + (gargs.args.join(' ')));
- }
- };
- return MasterKeyRing;
- })(BaseKeyRing);
- exports.make_ring = function(d) {
- var klass;
- klass = d != null ? AltKeyRing : MasterKeyRing;
- return new klass(d);
- };
- exports.reset_master_ring = reset_master_ring = function() {
- return globals().set_master_ring(new MasterKeyRing());
- };
- exports.master_ring = master_ring = function() {
- return globals().master_ring();
- };
- exports.load_key = function(opts, cb) {
- var err, key, signer, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- if ((signer = opts.signer) != null) {
- delete opts.signer;
- }
- key = master_ring().make_key(opts);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "load_key"
- });
- key.load(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 621
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if ((typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) && (signer != null)) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "load_key"
- });
- key.check_is_signed(signer, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 623
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- return cb(err, key);
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- RingFileBundle = (function() {
- RingFileBundle.prototype.FILES = {
- secring: {
- arg: "secret-keyring",
- "default": ""
- },
- pubring: {
- arg: "keyring",
- "default": ""
- },
- trustdb: {
- arg: "trustdb-name",
- "default": "016770670303010501020000532b0f0c000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
- }
- };
- function RingFileBundle(_arg) {
- var pub_only, w, which, _i, _len;
- this.dir = _arg.dir, pub_only = _arg.pub_only, this.no_default = _arg.no_default, this.primary = _arg.primary;
- this._files = {};
- which = pub_only ? ["pubring"] : ["pubring", "secring", "trustdb"];
- for (_i = 0, _len = which.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- w = which[_i];
- this._files[w] = this.get_file(w);
- }
- }
- RingFileBundle.prototype.get_file = function(which) {
- return path.join(this.dir, [which, "gpg"].join("."));
- };
- RingFileBundle.prototype.mutate_args = function(gargs, opts) {
- var arg, file, prepend, w, _ref3;
- if (opts == null) {
- opts = {};
- }
- prepend = [];
- if (this.no_default || opts.no_default) {
- prepend.push("--no-default-keyring");
- }
- _ref3 = this._files;
- for (w in _ref3) {
- file = _ref3[w];
- arg = w === 'pubring' && this.primary ? "primary-keyring" : this.FILES[w].arg;
- prepend.push("--" + arg, file);
- }
- return gargs.args = prepend.concat(gargs.args);
- };
- RingFileBundle.prototype.touch = function(which, f, cb) {
- var d, e2, err, fd, ok, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- log().debug("+ Make/check empty " + which + " " + f);
- ok = true;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "RingFileBundle.touch"
- });
- fs.open(f, "ax", 0x180, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return fd = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 668
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- log().debug("| Made a new one");
- d = new Buffer(_this.FILES[which]["default"], "hex");
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "RingFileBundle.touch"
- });
- fs.write(fd, d, 0, d.length, null, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return e2 = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 672
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(e2 != null ? log().error("Write failed: " + e2.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k(err.code === "EEXIST" ? log().debug("| Found one") : (log().warn("Unexpected error code from file touch " + f + ": " + err.message), ok = false));
- }
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (fd >= 0 && (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null)) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "RingFileBundle.touch"
- });
- fs.close(fd, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return e2 = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 680
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(typeof e2 !== "undefined" && e2 !== null ? log().error("Close failed: " + e2.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- log().debug("- Made/check empty " + which + " -> " + ok);
- return cb(null);
- });
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- RingFileBundle.prototype.touch_all = function(cb) {
- var esc, f, which, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- esc = make_esc(cb, "RingFileBundle::touch_all");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- var _i, _k, _keys, _ref3, _results, _while;
- _ref3 = _this._files;
- _keys = (function() {
- var _results1;
- _results1 = [];
- for (_k in _ref3) {
- _results1.push(_k);
- }
- return _results1;
- })();
- _i = 0;
- _results = [];
- _while = function(__iced_k) {
- var _break, _continue, _next;
- _break = function() {
- return __iced_k(_results);
- };
- _continue = function() {
- return iced.trampoline(function() {
- ++_i;
- return _while(__iced_k);
- });
- };
- _next = function(__iced_next_arg) {
- _results.push(__iced_next_arg);
- return _continue();
- };
- if (!(_i < _keys.length)) {
- return _break();
- } else {
- which = _keys[_i];
- f = _ref3[which];
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "RingFileBundle.touch_all"
- });
- _this.touch(which, f, esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 690
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(_next);
- }
- };
- _while(__iced_k);
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(null);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- return RingFileBundle;
- })();
- AltKeyRingBase = (function(_super) {
- __extends(AltKeyRingBase, _super);
- function AltKeyRingBase(dir) {
- this.dir = dir;
- AltKeyRingBase.__super__.constructor.call(this);
- this._rfb = this.make_ring_file_bundle();
- }
- AltKeyRingBase.prototype.to_string = function() {
- return "keyring " + this.dir;
- };
- AltKeyRingBase.prototype.make_ring_file_bundle = function() {
- return new RingFileBundle({
- dir: this.dir,
- no_default: true
- });
- };
- AltKeyRingBase.prototype.mkfile = function(n) {
- return path.join(this.dir, n);
- };
- AltKeyRingBase.prototype.post_make = function(cb) {
- return this._rfb.touch_all(cb);
- };
- AltKeyRingBase.make = function(klass, dir, cb, opts) {
- var err, made, mode, nxt, parent, so, targ, tkr, tmp, type, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- opts || (opts = {});
- tmp = !opts.perm;
- type = tmp ? "temporary" : "permanent";
- parent = path.dirname(dir);
- nxt = path.basename(dir);
- mode = 0x1c0;
- log().debug("+ Make new " + type + " keychain");
- log().debug("| mkdir_p parent " + parent);
- targ = tmp ? parent : dir;
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.make"
- });
- mkdir_p(targ, mode, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return made = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 736
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (err != null) {
- return __iced_k(log().error("Error making keyring dir " + parent + ": " + err.message));
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (made) {
- return __iced_k(log().info("Creating " + type + " keyring dir: " + targ));
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.make"
- });
- fs.stat(targ, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return so = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 742
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (err != null) {
- return __iced_k(log().error("Failed to stat directory " + targ + ": " + err.message));
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if ((so.mode & 0x1ff) !== mode) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.make"
- });
- fs.chmod(targ, mode, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 746
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(err != null ? log().error("Failed to change mode of " + parent + " to " + mode + ": " + err.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- });
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- }
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if ((err == null) && tmp) {
- dir = path.join(parent, nxt);
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.make"
- });
- fs.mkdir(dir, mode, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 754
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- log().debug("| making directory " + dir);
- return __iced_k(err != null ? log().error("Failed to make dir " + dir + ": " + err.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- log().debug("- Made new " + type + " keychain");
- tkr = typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null ? null : new klass(dir);
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if ((tkr != null) && (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null)) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.make"
- });
- tkr.post_make(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 762
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(__iced_k);
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(function() {
- return cb(err, tkr);
- });
- });
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- AltKeyRingBase.prototype.copy_key = function(k1, cb) {
- var esc, k2, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- esc = make_esc(cb, "TmpKeyRing::copy_key");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.copy_key"
- });
- k1.load(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 769
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- k2 = k1.copy_to_keyring(_this);
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "AltKeyRingBase.copy_key"
- });
- k2.save(esc(__iced_deferrals.defer({
- lineno: 771
- })));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return cb();
- });
- };
- })(this));
- };
- AltKeyRingBase.prototype.mutate_args = function(gargs) {
- this._rfb.mutate_args(gargs);
- return log().debug("| Mutate GPG args; new args: " + (gargs.args.join(' ')));
- };
- return AltKeyRingBase;
- })(BaseKeyRing);
- TmpKeyRingBase = (function(_super) {
- __extends(TmpKeyRingBase, _super);
- function TmpKeyRingBase(dir) {
- TmpKeyRingBase.__super__.constructor.call(this, dir);
- this._nuked = false;
- }
- TmpKeyRingBase.make = function(klass, cb) {
- var dir;
- dir = path.join(globals().get_tmp_keyring_dir(), base64u.encode(prng(15)));
- return AltKeyRingBase.make(klass, dir, cb);
- };
- TmpKeyRingBase.prototype.to_string = function() {
- return "tmp keyring " + this.dir;
- };
- TmpKeyRingBase.prototype.is_temporary = function() {
- return true;
- };
- TmpKeyRingBase.prototype.tmp_dir = function() {
- return this.dir;
- };
- TmpKeyRingBase.prototype.nuke = function(cb) {
- var e2, err, file, files, fp, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- if (!_this._nuked) {
- log().debug("| nuking temporary kerying: " + _this.dir);
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "TmpKeyRingBase.nuke"
- });
- fs.readdir(_this.dir, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return files = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 809
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null) {
- return __iced_k(log().error("Cannot read dir " + _this.dir + ": " + err.message));
- } else {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- var _i, _len, _ref3, _results, _while;
- _ref3 = files;
- _len = _ref3.length;
- _i = 0;
- _results = [];
- _while = function(__iced_k) {
- var _break, _continue, _next;
- _break = function() {
- return __iced_k(_results);
- };
- _continue = function() {
- return iced.trampoline(function() {
- ++_i;
- return _while(__iced_k);
- });
- };
- _next = function(__iced_next_arg) {
- _results.push(__iced_next_arg);
- return _continue();
- };
- if (!(_i < _len)) {
- return _break();
- } else {
- file = _ref3[_i];
- fp = path.join(_this.dir, file);
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "TmpKeyRingBase.nuke"
- });
- fs.unlink(fp, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return e2 = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 815
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return _next(typeof e2 !== "undefined" && e2 !== null ? (log().warn("Could not remove dir " + fp + ": " + e2.message), err = e2) : void 0);
- });
- }
- };
- _while(__iced_k);
- })(function() {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
- (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "TmpKeyRingBase.nuke"
- });
- fs.rmdir(_this.dir, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 820
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(typeof err !== "undefined" && err !== null ? log().error("Cannot delete tmp keyring @dir: " + err.message) : void 0);
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- })(__iced_k);
- });
- }
- })(function() {
- return __iced_k(_this._nuked = true);
- });
- });
- } else {
- return __iced_k();
- }
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- return TmpKeyRingBase;
- })(AltKeyRingBase);
- exports.TmpKeyRing = TmpKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(TmpKeyRing, _super);
- function TmpKeyRing() {
- return TmpKeyRing.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- TmpKeyRing.make = function(cb) {
- return TmpKeyRingBase.make(TmpKeyRing, cb);
- };
- TmpKeyRing.prototype.mutate_args = function(gargs) {
- if (globals().get_no_options()) {
- gargs.args = ["--no-options"].concat(gargs.args);
- }
- return TmpKeyRing.__super__.mutate_args.call(this, gargs);
- };
- return TmpKeyRing;
- })(TmpKeyRingBase);
- exports.AltKeyRing = AltKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(AltKeyRing, _super);
- function AltKeyRing() {
- return AltKeyRing.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- AltKeyRing.make = function(dir, cb) {
- return AltKeyRingBase.make(AltKeyRing, dir, cb, {
- perm: true
- });
- };
- return AltKeyRing;
- })(AltKeyRingBase);
- exports.TmpPrimaryKeyRing = TmpPrimaryKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(TmpPrimaryKeyRing, _super);
- function TmpPrimaryKeyRing() {
- return TmpPrimaryKeyRing.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- TmpPrimaryKeyRing.make = function(cb) {
- return TmpKeyRingBase.make(TmpPrimaryKeyRing, cb);
- };
- TmpPrimaryKeyRing.prototype.make_ring_file_bundle = function() {
- return new RingFileBundle({
- pub_only: true,
- dir: this.dir,
- primary: true
- });
- };
- TmpPrimaryKeyRing.prototype.mutate_args = function(gargs) {
- var h, prepend;
- this._rfb.mutate_args(gargs);
- prepend = gargs.list_keys ? ["--no-default-keyring"] : (h = globals().get_home_dir()) ? ["--no-default-keyring", "--keyring", path.join(h, "pubring.gpg"), "--secret-keyring", path.join(h, "secring.gpg"), "--trustdb-name", path.join(h, "trustdb.gpg")] : [];
- gargs.args = prepend.concat(gargs.args);
- return log().debug("| Mutate GPG args; new args: " + (gargs.args.join(' ')));
- };
- return TmpPrimaryKeyRing;
- })(TmpKeyRingBase);
- exports.TmpOneShotKeyRing = TmpOneShotKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(TmpOneShotKeyRing, _super);
- function TmpOneShotKeyRing() {
- return TmpOneShotKeyRing.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- TmpOneShotKeyRing.make = function(cb) {
- return TmpKeyRingBase.make(TmpOneShotKeyRing, cb);
- };
- TmpOneShotKeyRing.prototype.base_args = function() {
- return ["--trusted-key", this._key_id_64];
- };
- TmpOneShotKeyRing.prototype.verify_and_decrypt_sig = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, err, out, sig, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- sig = _arg.sig;
- args = this.base_args().concat(["--decrypt", "--no-auto-key-locate"]);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "TmpOneShotKeyRing.verify_and_decrypt_sig"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- stdin: sig,
- quiet: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return out = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 911
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err, out);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- TmpOneShotKeyRing.prototype.verify_sig_on_file = function(_arg, cb) {
- var args, err, file, sig, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- sig = _arg.sig, file = _arg.file;
- args = this.base_args().concat(["--verify", sig, file]);
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "TmpOneShotKeyRing.verify_sig_on_file"
- });
- _this.gpg({
- args: args,
- quiet: true
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- return err = arguments[0];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 918
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return cb(err);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- return TmpOneShotKeyRing;
- })(TmpKeyRing);
- exports.QuarantinedKeyRing = QuarantinedKeyRing = (function(_super) {
- __extends(QuarantinedKeyRing, _super);
- function QuarantinedKeyRing() {
- return QuarantinedKeyRing.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- QuarantinedKeyRing.make = function(cb) {
- return TmpKeyRingBase.make(QuarantinedKeyRing, cb);
- };
- QuarantinedKeyRing.prototype.set_fingerprint = function(fp) {
- this._fingerprint = fp;
- return this._key_id_64 = fingerprint_to_key_id_64(fp);
- };
- QuarantinedKeyRing.prototype.oneshot_verify = function(_arg, cb) {
- var err, file, keyblock, no_json, query, ret, sig, single, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
- __iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
- ___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
- query = _arg.query, single = _arg.single, sig = _arg.sig, file = _arg.file, no_json = _arg.no_json, keyblock = _arg.keyblock;
- log().debug("+ Quarantined / oneshot verify");
- (function(_this) {
- return (function(__iced_k) {
- __iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
- parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
- filename: "/Users/max/src/keybase/gpg-wrapper/src/keyring.iced",
- funcname: "QuarantinedKeyRing.oneshot_verify"
- });
- _this.oneshot_verify_2({
- ring: _this,
- sig: sig,
- file: file,
- no_json: no_json
- }, __iced_deferrals.defer({
- assign_fn: (function() {
- return function() {
- err = arguments[0];
- return ret = arguments[1];
- };
- })(),
- lineno: 939
- }));
- __iced_deferrals._fulfill();
- });
- })(this)((function(_this) {
- return function() {
- log().debug("- Quarantined / oneshot verify -> ok! (fp=" + _this._fingerprint + ")");
- return cb(err, ret, _this._fingerprint);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- return QuarantinedKeyRing;
- })(TmpOneShotKeyRing);