- Amelia Marzec has been a resident at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, a Fellow at the Tow Center at Columbia University, a Fellow at A.I.R. Gallery, and a CUNY-PSC Grantee. She was nominated for the World Technology Awards for Art, and has shown work at MIT and SIGGRAPH.
+ Amelia Marzec is an artist focused on rebuilding local communications infrastructure to prepare for an uncertain future. She has been a resident at Eyebeam, a resident at Harvestworks, a fellow at New York Foundation of the Arts, the A.I.R. Gallery Emma Bee Bernstein Fellow, a Tow Fellow at Columbia University, a grantee of the Research Foundation of CUNY, and a nominee for the World Technology Awards for Art. Her work has been exhibited internationally including SIGGRAPH, MIT, ISEA and the NODE Biennial, and is part of the Rhizome ArtBase.