gist 720 B

  1. {% comment %}<!--
  2. The gist include allows you to embed GitHub Gist snippets in your content.
  3. Usage:
  4. 1) include JB/gist
  5. 2) specify the gist_id parameter (REQUIRED)
  6. 3) specify the gist_file parameter (OPTIONAL)
  7. example:
  8. <ul>
  9. {% include JB/gist gist_id="fdcfeaba4f33c172828d" %}
  10. {% include JB/gist gist_id="fdcfeaba4f33c172828d" gist_file="jekyll-bootstrap.js" %}
  11. </ul>
  12. -->{% endcomment %}
  13. <div id="gist">
  14. <script src="{{ include.gist_id }}.js{% if include.gist_file %}?file={{ include.gist_file }}{% endif %}"></script>
  15. <noscript>
  16. <pre>{{include.gist_id}}.js{% if include.gist_file %}?file={{include.gist_file}}{% endif %}</pre>
  17. </noscript>
  18. </div>