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- \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Myaisha is the National Organizer on Criminal Justice & Technology at MediaJustice. Myaisha brings several years of organizing experience with her from various national and local campaigns including President Obama\'92s re-election campaign, Fight for $15, and the CLOSErikers Campaign. As the grandchild of a political prisoner, she is deeply committed to organizing people power that leads to radical transformative change and justice. Myaisha earned her BA in Black Studies at Occidental College and currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.\
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- \f1 \cf2 Ulandis Forte is the grandson of Ms. Martha Wright-Reed and life long native resident of Washington DC. At the age of 20, Ulandis was incarcerated at Lorton Correctional Facility and was relocated several times to prisons in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, New Mexico, Kansas, and Pennsylvania. Phone calls were his lifeline to his family, especially to his beloved elderly grandmother who was unable to visit due to the long distances. He became an activist inside, supporting his grandmother's fight to reduce the cost of prison phone calls. He has continued to lead the fight for prison phone justice on behalf of all incarcerated people and their families\'a0who are vulnerable to greedy prison phone industry. This past June, he supported the introduction\'a0of the Ms.Martha Wright-Reed Just & Reasonable Communication Act, which would restore the FCC authority to regulate state and local prison phone calls.}