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Radical Networks 2018 Proposal

Replace sample info between [brackets] with your own!

Format: [Talk / Panel / Workshop / Artwork / Performance]
Name: [Jane Doe]
Location: [Berlin, Germany]
Email: []
Twitter: [@janedoe]
Repo: [url to your code repository, aka GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc]
Url(s): []
Consent to being photographed and on the livestream?: [Yes / No]

Speaker Bio and Profile Picture

[I am a bio. My background includes this and that. I've also contributed to these projects. These are some of my interests. Here are some links to my blog, twitter account, open source projects, company, etc. Maximum 100 words]


Note: Format for bio picture should be PNG/JPG/GIF, 256x256px.


[I am a proposal description. I will talk about this and that. This is some context for my work. These are some points I will make. My proposal definitely relates in some way to radio or networking technology. Maximum 300 words]

Note: Panels should follow a moderator / discussion format, with possible participation from the audience.

Length: [20 minutes for my presentation with 10 minutes for Q+A]

Please adhere to these guidelines:
Talks: 15 - 30 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Panels: 30 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Workshops: 1h - 6hrs.
Performances: up to 60 minutes.

Workshop technical requirements and materials list (if applicable)

Equipment/technical requirements: [Projector, WiFi, etc]

Maximum number of attendees: [12]

Full list of materials needed for attendees: [Paper pads, pens, etc]

Artwork installation requirements (if applicable)

[Table space, power, projector/screens, and network connectivity.]

Artworks must be installed on Friday October 19th, 2018.

Note: We are not responsible for damages done to your work! (Although we will take every precaution we can to safely handle your work.)

Performance requirements (if applicable)

[Tech/production rider for your performance.]

Additional Info / Links / References

[If you wish, link us to anything else relevant to your work, like slide decks, code samples, videos, etc.]

/label ~"radnets2018"