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Radical Networks 2019 Proposal

Replace sample info between [brackets] with your own!

Format: [Talk / Panel / Workshop / Artwork / Performance / etc...]
Name: [Jane Doe]
Pronouns: [ ]
Location: [NYC, NY]
Email: []
Twitter: [@janedoe]
Repo: [url to your code repository, aka GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc]
Url(s): []
Consent to being photographed?: [Yes / No]
Consent to being on the livestream?: [Yes / No]

Speaker Bio and Profile Picture

[Please tell us about your background, projects you've contributed to, if any, and your interests. Links to your website, open source projects, place of work, etc. Maximum 100 words]

[What communities do you identify yourself as being a part of? Why is this important in the work you do?]

[Link to bio picture, e.g. https://profile-picture.jpg]

Note: Format for bio picture should be PNG/JPG/GIF, 256x256px.


[I am a proposal description. I will talk about this and that. This is some context for my work. These are some points I will make. My proposal definitely relates in some way to radio or networking technology. Maximum 300 words]

Note: Panels should follow a moderator / discussion format, with possible participation from the audience.

Length: [20 minutes for my presentation with 10 minutes for Q+A]

Please adhere to these guidelines:
Talks: 15 - 30 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Panels: 30 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Lunchtime Meetups: up to 1h.
Workshops: 1h - 6hrs.
Tour/Field Trips: up to 6hrs.
Performances / Film Screenings: up to 90 minutes.

Workshop technical requirements and materials list (if applicable)

Equipment/technical requirements: [Projector, WiFi, etc]

Maximum number of attendees: [12]

Full list of materials needed for attendees: [Paper pads, pens, etc]

Artwork installation requirements (if applicable)

[Table space, power, projector/screens, and network connectivity.]

Artworks must be installed on Friday October 18th, 2019.

Note: We are not responsible for damages done to your work! (Although we will take every precaution we can to safely handle your work.)

Performance requirements (if applicable)

[Tech/production rider for your performance.]

Additional Info / Links / References

[If you wish, link us to anything else relevant to your work, like slide decks, code samples, videos, etc.]

/label ~"radnets2019"